More Thoughts

Tennessee deer. Careful on the higher score guesses. His right G2 is split, it's not a 5th point on that side. However, with that said I feel he will still go between 150 and 160. This buck is 7 1/2 years old as I have pictures of him for 5 years now. This year is by far his best. I am also happy that there is a 140 class 11 running with him. The main frame 10 with split / kicker on his left brow tine. These bucks really have my attention this year. I have hunted in the Golden Triangle for years and also have a lease in KY but I will be staying home chasing these bucks this fall!
turkeyhuntr4":26ecxnut said:
Careful on the higher score guesses.
I agree. Bucks with their head and head gear closer to the camera than their hind quarters, such as this buck, always appear bigger than they are. It is basically the same optical illusion that makes what's closer to the lens appear bigger, such as holding a fish or buck two foot in front of you for the picture. With that said, I would guess this buck to be mature (which you verified) and I would guess his gross hard horned score to be around 150-155", which is phenomenal for a buck with a 15" inside spread max. Very nice buck with a very unique rack, good luck with him this fall.