Mossberg 500 for turkeys?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Knoxville, Tennessee
Who uses one and what kind of choke/ammo pattern the best. I'm looking for a choke/ammo combination that patterns good at around 40 yards. Any input would be appreciated.
I used a mossy 535 last year and its pretty much the same gun. I had good results with a truglo strut stopper xtream and the winchester high velocity shells in both 5s and 6s.
Mine has the accu-choke full,modified,and improved cylinder chokes that came with it and i tried dove hunting with the all three and couldn't hit anything. It also has the ported barrel, and only has a front fiberoptic sight,which i'm not a big fan of either. Only having one thing to look at makes it hard to line up, and the ported barrel with no hearing protection will make you deaf in one ear for around a week. Anyway i was wondering if the factory full choke would pattern decent and at what range.

mossberg 500 AT.
i use a .660 hastings choke and winchester supreme 6 shot.
this target was shot at 30 yards. it had 96 shot in the vitals.(45 were in the red circle)
forgot to add, mine wouldnt hit were i was aiming so i went and put a red dot scope($30 bsa from wal mart) on i wouldnt want to use any other gun. i have killed one at 62 yards with it before.
I bought mine while in college 20+ years ago, and never saw the need to upgrade.

I finally settled on the factory XXFull turkey choke, shooting Winchester Supreme #5s. I also added the fiber optic sights, so I could zero the pattern.

I have taken a few at 50+ steps as well.
I picked up some shells today. Remington nitro turkey 3" 1 7/8 oz 4 and 5 shot. and Winchester supreme high velocity turkey loads 3" 1 3/4 oz 5 shot. Anybody use these with a factory choke? How do they pattern? I'm thinkin about getting the tru-glo gobble stopper choke with front and rear sights just to see what it will do. I'll be goin to the range if ever there is a break in the weather.
I have a hastings .665 in my 500A, shooting remington nitros #5. I have no problem killing a gobbler at 50 yards. I use to shoot federal #4 and #5 but the nitros pattern better.
I went to bps and was going to get the primos tight wad but they were out. I got the truglo gobble stopper with sights for $25. Hopefully it will quit raining so i can go to the range tomorrow and test em out.