Mossberg Turkey Thug...

I have a Mossberg 500 Turkey Thug 12 gauge with the lightning pump action trigger first mine had a problem with the cartridge stop (it was bent to far out, not letting the shell get on the elevator), but after bending it slightly back, and reassembling/re-oiling it, now it works great.

I also own a Mossberg 835, and it's never gave me any trouble *knock on wood

Some people don't like Mossberg, but I am NOT one of those people. Enjoy the new gun :)
Thanks... Always thought Mossberg were good turkey guns. I'm getting the 535 thug with red dot (which I don't plan on using)
Bought the 535 with the pistol grip and red dot yesterday. Haven't shot it yet so wondering which 3 in load would be the best to try out?