Mothers Day madness


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Christiana (Rutherford County)
Went down to Waverly for Mother's Day so my brother and I hunted before going with mom to church. Turned out to be a pretty good morning. Got on a longbeard and jake early and called them back to the woods to 53 steps and was hoping my brother would kill him but I didn't know how far he could shoot be he was sitting too far to say anything to him so they went back to the field after not seeing the hen. Two hens joined them and off they went so we regrouped and took off. Had stopped for a break as we topped the hill and a coyote basically walked into our lap. My gun was on my shoulder so my brother drilled him at maybe 10 yards. He never knew we were there. Then we let things settle a little bit and took off to a spot to call. I started calling and got one to gobble so we took off into the woods trying to circle above him as we thought he was in his upper field. Got there and called with no response so start easing up to the fenceline and catch a red head so I froze. He's looking back into the woods like he's trying to find the hen that was just calling. After what seemed like 10 minutes I was able to get a clean shot and at 22 yards he took a dirtnap. I stood up and my brother says there's anothe bird so I freeze and finally see it. It's the jake and apparently the two birds we were on at daylight. My brother has only killed a few birds and said he was gonna kill him so I said go ahead and he did. Birds were laying about 10 yards apart. Got them cleaned up and made it to church at 11:00. Not a bad way to spend the day and end the season. Only hunted 6 times and thought I was going to eat my tags this year but killed one Thursday afternoon too.

Edit: no idea why when pics uploaded from my phone post sideways. :smash:
Good job!

It's been proven through history that women's a mystery! Popeye