Motivational Thread


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
Get out there if you still have tags left. Here are two from the last two days that I called in for buddies of mine. Birds have absolutely lit it up the last 2 days, and are playing pretty nicely. Don't give up now!!!


Good birds, thanks for sharing. I would venture to say this post is more appropriate for east TN birds than middle and west TN birds. The reports I am getting from buds in middle and west TN say they have shut down for the most part (not all, but most). Regardless, I too say get in the woods and hunt until the last day. Good luck to everyone that is still at it.
Andy S. said:
Good birds, thanks for sharing. I would venture to say this post is more appropriate for east TN birds than middle and west TN birds. The reports I am getting from buds in middle and west TN say they have shut down for the most part (not all, but most). Regardless, I too say get in the woods and hunt until the last day. Good luck to everyone that is still at it.
Yep that has been my experince in the last week. They just ignore anything I am doing to get their attention. Think I am done for this season.
Thanks for posting....

Andy and MRUTVOL are right I think, birds in Maury county seem to have shut down (disappeared if I dare to say it) but I will probably be out there on saturday, to shoot squirrels and keep an eye out for a longbeard in case there is still one out there.
I'll be out there, but only to put out salt in all of my licks and get ready them ready for the year. I can't find anyone to take this weekend or I would have some camo on.
Dam boys, I am leaving tomorrow to hunt South GA. Birds are gobbling well down there just as usual. They aren't done in West TN, not by a long shot. Talked to some friends in Benton Cty this afternoon that said birds are starting to crank back up.
Setterman said:
Talked to some friends in Benton Cty this afternoon that said birds are starting to crank back up.

I will find out for myself by the weekend.... going to finish out the season with a BANG I hope.....

Good luck in GA.
Setterman said:
Dam boys, I am leaving tomorrow to hunt South GA. Birds are gobbling well down there just as usual. They aren't done in West TN, not by a long shot. Talked to some friends in Benton Cty this afternoon that said birds are starting to crank back up.

Dang man I would give a lot to have you come meet me at Yanahli and get me on some birds... because they are just gone, at least the legal ones are gone.

Maybe there will be one this saturday. I will bring both turkey loads and field loads, a turkey call, and my xx-full choke and modified choke for my gun, so I can look for turkeys early and then go shoot squirrels.