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sure shot

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2011
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robertson,co TN
i called them b/c i have a d-40 thats flash quit working.when i bought the 3 i have i had to take 1 back a.s.a.p b/c it didint work at all and this one wasnt great not long after i bought it...so the guy went threw all the motions of helping me granted this cam is 2 yrs old,hasnt worked for 1.5 my fault i didint call sooner.but then tells me all he can do is get me into a upgrade the prices he is telling me are at employee prices,i said really cause thats what your web site is listing them for also.... there were not interested in cutting any price,i told him i would just keep my 69-79 $ and put it into a homebrew.since i couldnt be for certain the one i would be buying wouldnt have problems and only warranty for 1 yr........never again!!!!!
:D There needs to be a sticky thread at the top of the page saying "Never buy Moultrie" :D

I cant think of any worse junk than the stuff they produce.

Sorry for your experience....I've been there before with them.....a LONG time ago
I've had good luck with Moultrie cameras and great customer service, when I did have a problem. They have never charged me a dime to fix are replace a camera.
Why not just tell everyone without a homebrew to go somewhere else.Or how bout a thread for homebrews only.

My Moultries work great and have never had a need for their warranty dept.
Im with mr bor and 8 pt. My moultries work just fine have yet to have a problem and I been running them since 2006.
I have used these cams since about 2003 or 04 and i have had littly problems with them and have used customer service twice. Once with a replacement and once where the cam wasnt repariable so they sold me a new one for 69 bucks. I thought it was a fair deal and still use them . Two d40's and one new m80 . They seem to be good for the money and i find them pretty reliable for the most part. :) Moultries are about 2 for one on the home brew. not knocking home brews but if you pay that kind of money then i would expect it to perform like they do. I am a cheap skate when it comes to cams so i would rather have one that is lessor in price and reasonbly reliable and have more of them . I have had good service so that is where my money will continue to go. :cool:
My initial post deals with my experiences. Every trailcam I have ever bought (2) have lasted through the 1st time I used them, then they didnt work anymore. My other experiences were with their feeders....We placed them at our ponds with fish food in them to fed the fish and they lasted about 3 weeks - then they were done!

Screw Moultrie IMO
well im cheap also but im tired of buying crap,and when you spend as much time in the woods as i do every weekend during season.i want something that works every time all the time,these arent my firat cameras and my old as dirt 35mm lasted longer than this one did.but check this i bet i fix there cam for less thsn 50 $...glad some of yall had good experience but mine was crap !!
I've had good luck with Moultrie cameras and great customer service, when I did have a problem. They have never charged me a dime to fix are replace a camera.
I'll second that.
With cameras, you get what you pay for. My longest lasting cameras are Reconyx's and they are as bad as you can can get, BUT they are expensive. Sometimes quality outweighs price. I know that every single time I get to one of my Reconyx's, that they will have MANY pics on them, without a shadow of doubt. For my cheaper cameras ($200 range), my Scoutguard and Bushnell are going on 2 years now. I was lucky with the Bushnell as the year it was made, it had alot of issues. And the Scoutguard, the remote is dwindeling. Though they are both 2 years running. They are still about 10 steps behind the Reconyx's (2years and 3 years running).

If there was ONE product out there that states, "You get what you pay for".......its trailcameras and Reconyx makes that statement very bold.
I've had great luck with all of the Moultrie products I've ever purchased. I have a few moultrie cameras just bought another one last week actually. I also have had the same Moultrie feeder for I believe going on 8 years with no problems.

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