Mountain Bird

String Music

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
It's been a tough couple months for me. I've had testicular cancer, the flu and a bacterial infection the last 6 weeks. I'm recovering but energy is still low.

I heard a turkey fly up on one of my favorite mountains to hunt. There's an old logging road that wraps around the mountain that turkeys have historically used. I climbed up the mountain in the dark this morning because they would likely see me if there was any light.

I set up on the logging road about 30 minutes before first light. I was worried I would cough too much but I kept it in check.

I tried to get as tight as I could not knowing which direction the birds would want to go. Finally, this joker gobbled about 100 yards from me on a little point. Two jakes started yelping and half-gobbling below me. I did two round of clucks and tree yelps and then shut up.

He finally pitched down on the point and slowly strutted his way in my direction. As they usually do, he hung up at 50 yards behind some trash. I didn't have a decoy out and couldn't call because he wouldn't see a hen and would probably get suspicious.

The jakes flew down below me and started working down the mountain. The gobbler dropped off the logging road and started following them.

I had to make a move or it was game over. I slipped back about 20 yards and crept to the edge of the logging road. I tried to sound like a turkey working his direction. When I got to the lip I slowly raised up and saw him strutting at 45 yards. As soon as he popped his head up I sent some #7s downrange and rolled him.

I'm extremely grateful that the good Lord let me climb a mountain one more time. The kill is just icing on the cake.

This is my first gobbler with the CVA single shot. It was a dream to handle this morning.

This is the smallest gobbler I've killed. He must have been part of a late hatch a couple years ago.



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Congrats on the turkey bud! A lot of people have been praying for you. I hope you make a full recovery as well.
That's badass Mark, glad you're doing okay and still getting after them. I put one in the grave with your call about 11 am. I'll post the story later
Congrats man. So glad you were able to go.

Fisherman's friend is a cough drop that is great for the scratchy throat type coughs. Walmart carries them.

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Andy S.":1f8unb6y said:
Congrats on the turkey bud! A lot of people have been praying for you. I hope you make a full recovery as well.

Thank you!

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