Hunted past 4 days in middle TN. Saw 25 deer in the pouring rain Saturday. Sunday post front was terrible... only 10 or so. Monday and today were incredible with over 40 deer seen between 2 groups on Monday, and 30 this morn alone.
My daughter and I sitting together had 6 racked bucks cruising and pestering does in front of us this morn.
A lot of that is by design, however.... I shut all hunting down on my farms 1st week of December, leaving the deer completely unpressured for 3 weeks. When we come back, daytime activity is off the charts once again. Unfortunately, we just don't have any mature bucks (well actually 1, and he was seen on Sat afternoon right after the rain stopped... my son was guiding one of my daughters best friends and he came out at 600y cruising. He led her to 250y on a stalk, but she wasn't comfortable with that shot distance and they ran out of real estate before he crossed off the property).
Was a great trip, no tending seen, but lots of checking, lip curling, sparring, and bucks generally putting on a show. We even got to watch a doe rear up on her hind legs and slap the crap out of a spike pestering her!