Moving from Percy priest to Old Hickory: do I need a boat?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2019
Reaction score
Middle TN
Hey yall Ive hunted priest exclusively over the last 3 seasons cuz we live right by it. Gonna be moving up around Gallatin and so ive been starting to look at old hickory. Question is: do I need a boat to effectively deer hunt that WMA? ive looked on the arcgis maps and they only list 3 road access points on the whole thing. For those who hunt it, are you able to get in on foot and be susscesful or do I need to start saving for a boat? thx.
I hunt Priest and the boat helps a ton. I have heard on OH it is almost a necessity. Be careful. Running priest in the dark can be dangerous, and there is a lot more debris and wood in OH.

at least you can use a rifle.
Thx for the info! And yes I'll be looking forward to dusting off the center fire for once!
If you haven't been on Old Hickory Lake be careful. You can be in 60 feet of water and 2 seconds later in 2 ft. I would suggest that you familiarize your self with the lake. Not trying to spook you but check out the water where you plan on hunting
ive been out with friends before on OH and you speak the truth for sure. Definitely not something you want to deal with at 0 dark thirty.