Multiple Broadheads?

I have used Slick tricks and Rage broadheads because they flew the same ,but ended up using just the Slick Tricks .
Kind of strange, Slick Tricks and Rage 2 blade is what I had in mind! Just recieved my tricks in the mail yesterday and I like em!! Also have some Rage 2 blade stuck back, so I thought about mixing them up in my quiver and shooting what ever I pulled out first!!
JAYBE said:
Anyone ever keep a 2 or 3 diff heads in thier quiver when hunting?

that is something that is not uncommon to trad hunters to do for shooting small game that is in season at the time. different color fletching for each type of head.
I have, mostly cuz I'm a cheap sumagun. I'll have a set of broadheads that become damaged over time and use and kills, and end up not being able to match them, but find another head that flies identically. I generally will put my arrows in my preferred shooting arrow, putting my tried and true up front so it's the most likely one to take a hit, per se. Generally I will have no more than two types in my quiver, though.
I've had 3 different broadheads for hunting Oak Ridge. Had 5 Sonic heads, 3 100 grain Steelheads, and 1 Rocky Mtn. Sniper. Had a 6 and 3 arrow quiver. The three arrow quiver was mainly for backup. I left it in the truck, but I'd rather have to many arrows than not enough there. Wouldn't you know it, didn't even fling an arrow though. Haven't flung an arrow in Oak Ridge the past 2 years. Hopefully Dec 6 is different!

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