My final sit...


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 12, 2007
Reaction score
I am lucky that a friend of mine who does not hunt has allowed me to set up on his small piece of land. It's a great funnel area where the deer move from various fields that are over the hills surrounding his property and there has been zero hunting pressure in neighboring areas as best we can tell (and the 2 acre stocked pond is fun as well) anyway, I've caught a few nice bucks on the cameras early in the season and put eyes on a nice one during archery but could not get a good shot. Recently the bucks have vanished and now I think I know why. Last year the neighbor to the rear of his place (over a large hill and way out of site) posted their property lines which I thought odd. This evening I heard a single shot from that direction so I suspect that area is now being hunted and I'm wondering if that's what happened to the bucks. Guess I will see if they begin showing back up on the cameras.... Ah well... no luck tonight but it's been a good season.