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Mzl Ballistics question

El Jagermeister

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
Shelby County
Nope. You are still good out to 175+. Although, I wouldn't feel comfortable shooting past 125 yds (because I can't guarantee a "hit").
I shoot a traditional (.50 Hawken), and don't get good enough groups past 100 to feel ethical about the shot
The 1000ft/lbs rule is just a basic guideline. .357 rifles and magnum revolvers break this 1000ft/lb rule every year with clean kills.
If you and your gun can hold a six inch group out to 175, I'd say take it.
Don't trust the calculator, though. Your particular gun and load may not match it that closely. See what it does on paper at 150 and 175. At those ranges, you get some serious drop in quicker increments.
I wouldn't be afraid to drop to 750-800lbs if it is accurate. no shoulder shots with the standard powerbelts from what I have read, killed a lot of deer with them but always into the heart/lungs with 50cal
I would highly recommend you shoot that 195gr PB over a chrono at those ranges. A 45cal 195gr bullet has a terrible BC and a even worse SD. Factory BC ratings are often highly inflated.

IIRC PB makes a 45cal 275gr and a 300gr that would be better suited to shots over 100 yards. The 195gr is a pankcake waiting to happen.

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