NAP Killzones results


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2001
Reaction score
Kansas City, Mo.



NAP Killzones , 15 yard slam dunk , pass through and 6" into the ground @ 60 lbs.
awesome blood trail .
Re: NAP Killzones results

The_Lawman said:
Great results! I believe I'm giving up rages for these.

Shot placement is the key , but I was impressed with the results . One thing I liked was the blade sharpness . Not one nick in the blades . I cleaned the broad head off and it still shaved hair off my arm . I still touched it up on the stone before I put it back in the quiver anyway .
Re: NAP Killzones results

One of the most impressive blood trails I have followed . Looked like a murder scene . Glad we got some rain last night here to wash it away so I could get back out there and hunt .
Re: NAP Killzones results

I got a chance to shoot a doe with one. I too was impressed with the condition of the head after the pass through. I echo your findings with how sharp the blades remained. I hit mine REALLY high when she ducked at the sound of the shot, but it came out better than it went in; I watched her fall within 60 yards in an open field and despite being able to see her...I wanted to see what kind of blood trail she left. I was happy to be able to find it really easy in the green cut grass of a hay field...something that CAN be tough to do. Of course it helps when it looks like a 55 gallon drum of blood just exploded between you and the deer.

Re: NAP Killzones results

i killed 1 with a 3 blade rage myself an it was same way just massive destruction and blood trail, using 2 blade rage now havent got to put em to work yet, but i do like that there is no o ring on the nap my get some an try them out!
Re: NAP Killzones results

Some people have asked for my results using the NAP Killzones . I posted them as requested . I was happy with the performance of the broadhead , with severeral advantages over some of the other heads I have used in the past .
Re: NAP Killzones results

Very impressed as well. I've killed 3 with them this year and 3 with rages. The durability of the killzone is much better, and the blades do seem to stay sharp.

Only thing I haven't done with them is replace the blades. I'm ordering replacements online today. To see how that goes.

Also have some swackers now I'm going to try this year or next. Rages I have had issues with in durability and penetration. Killzones seem to be better on both fronts.
Re: NAP Killzones results


Evidently, the replacement blades are hard to come by. So far I have checked a Gander Mountain, and the BPS here by Louisville. No dice.

They are on amazon, but have almost a $6 shipping fee. Not paying that. I'll check Nashville BPS over the holidays and see if they have them.
Re: NAP Killzones results

I put one down with killzone this year, i dont think the entrance is quite as big as the normal 2 blade rage however everything else is better... way better. No rattling blades everytime you move, no rubberbands, dont worry about them coming open in the quiver or in flight or on my finger as i shoot, and the trocar tip (which i havent tried the rage trocars yet) is far superior to a cut on contact blade IMO unless you are shooting low poundage. I dont care about durability really since i usually just stick the bloody arrow back in my quiver and shoot it at a predator or turkey or something the head isnt quite so critical but they ARE more durable head from what ive seen so far, blades dont seem to be any more durable but the head itself seems to be.
Re: NAP Killzones results

BowGuy84 said:

Evidently, the replacement blades are hard to come by. So far I have checked a Gander Mountain, and the BPS here by Louisville. No dice.

They are on amazon, but have almost a $6 shipping fee. Not paying that. I'll check Nashville BPS over the holidays and see if they have them.

Let me know where you find replacement blades . I just resharpend mine that were dullled but not nicked up afterwards . They shave hair off my arm . Any that have nicked blades in the future , I will replace the blades .
Re: NAP Killzones results

gondo said:
I put one down with killzone this year, i dont think the entrance is quite as big as the normal 2 blade rage however everything else is better... way better. No rattling blades everytime you move, no rubberbands, dont worry about them coming open in the quiver or in flight or on my finger as i shoot, and the trocar tip (which i havent tried the rage trocars yet) is far superior to a cut on contact blade IMO unless you are shooting low poundage. I dont care about durability really since i usually just stick the bloody arrow back in my quiver and shoot it at a predator or turkey or something the head isnt quite so critical but they ARE more durable head from what ive seen so far, blades dont seem to be any more durable but the head itself seems to be.
I shot another deer with a killzone this morning and it did a really great job. From what I have seen the penetration is hands down better than rage ( came out the brisket with enough energy to take out another deer... or two lol), that skinny trocar tip is something else (seems to be better then the muzzy trocars), head is fine blades are ruined again, entrance hole was just like the first deer i shot which is a little smaller entry and little larger exit compared to a rage... well smaller in the sense that it was about 5 inches vs about 6 with a rage. Anyhow definately my favorite heads ive tried to date.
Re: NAP Killzones results

Hey Radar! Take a look at that new head I posted! Toxic I think!