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natchez trace


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2012
Milan, TN
Anyone have any experience hunting this area? I'll be moving to west tn around the milan/martin area (depends on housing) and the state park is somewhat close to me and is pretty big. Any tips for it?
As far as big bucks go Natchez Trace is as good of hunting as you are. (There are deer there but your going to have to find them and learn how to hunt them which is far from easy)

My biggest tip is try to avoid pressure. You probably aren't going to kill a big deer hunting right on top of someone. Don't pull the "hey 3 guys are parked here. mustt be a big buck!" I have ran a cam in an area like that and yeah.. there probably is a big buck.. but I've got the same deer year after year because people over pressure them and no one kills it. The best thing to do is play tye terrain right and find a safe haven nearby the pressured spot. Your best bet is the rut. Most park deer are nocturnal otherwise.

It is an easy place to kill doe.. They are plentiful and I've seen 10 in one sitting several times.
Thanks for the info. To be honest, im still young in my deer hunting career and im mostly thinking about a bunch of does for the meat. I figure once I have a few really good seasons lie that then ill probably "advance" on to targeting the big bucks. So basically I should find the sanctuaries and then figure out where they are moving into and out of and avoid the heavily pressured areas.
Natchez Trace has deer. The spots that are easy to hunt get the most pressure. There are a lot of steep hills and Hollows that are not easy to get in and out of that the deer use when the pressure is on. There is a lot of ground covered in Kudzu vine. You can find trails leading in and out of it that Deer use.
One other piece of advice is to look out for Copperheads.
If you get over here. And would like to meet I can and will put you on some deer. But it might not be Natchez trace even though I live 3 miles from there. So come deer season you have a invite since you living over in east tn and you come all the way over here to hunt
Natchez Trace big deer? decent numbers yes, Big Bucks? Forty thousand acres should have a good deer, but Ive never known it to produce lots of trophy class deer, even during the years they had the restrictions. Have I missed some info? You shouldnt have a problem taking average bucks, take hunter drew up on his offer. He knows it well.
hunter drew said:
If you get over here. And would like to meet I can and will put you on some deer. But it might not be Natchez trace even though I live 3 miles from there. So come deer season you have a invite since you living over in east tn and you come all the way over here to hunt

Thanks, I really appreciate that! The wife and I will be moving to probably the Milan/Medina area near June. I'll be sure to look you up though.

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