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Neat little scale


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
I had to go to Wal-Mart yesterday morning :bash: because I never took the time to look into my boat motor issues and I wanted to try some seafoam.
Anyway, for whatever reason I wanted a new fish scale. I had an old Rapala that was pretty expensive but after 20 something years it finally don't work good anymore.
I found this one for like 9 bucks and thought what the heck.
It has a cute little clip thingy to hang the fish on which I liked alot better than the just big metal hook you hang them on like my old one.
Why I picked yesterday to buy it I dunno but I did.
The only concern I had was the clip as I didn't know how well it would hold a larger fish.
Well 3 casts into the day I found out that it works GREAT!!!
I have weighed several different items and it seems to be very accurate as well.
It even came with a cute little handy dandy tape measure. LOL

The little tape measure OBVIOUSLY clips onto the scale somewhere but Man nor I could figure out where yesterday.

I spent a few minutes with it just now when I was taking these pics and figured it out. LOL

So if you want what appears to be a very accurate scale for very little money I like this one.
Not real sure how I'm gonna use it to weigh bream & shellcracker since the clip won't go in their mouth but I will figure it out.
Probably clip 'em on the tail. :rotf:

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