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Need a new game camera...Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
Reaction score
Been looking at a few. Thoughts/Reviews on these? Anybody use any of these?

Moultrie Game Spy D-55 IR Pro 5.0 Megapixel
Moultrie Game Spy M-80XT Mini 5.0 Megapixel
Wildgame Innovations Micro Red 8 Enhanced 8.0 Megapixel
Primos� TRUTH Cam Ultra BLACKOUT� 7.0 Megapixel
I love the moultrie m80 and m80xt. I have 4 and once I got those the guys in the club bought out our local basspro's supply at the time. Search under the serious deer hunting talk for "advice on game camera" from 8/12/12. I have samples from my cam on there.
Knothead said:
You can't go wrong with the Moultrie M-80.

Sure you can. I hear lots of problems reported for the M-80, just like I do for nearly every brand and model of camera made today.

The problem is sensative electronics (and the camera manufacturers use the cheapest electronic parts avialable in an effort to keep production and retail costs low) being exposed to rapidly changing weather conditions 24 hours per day for months on end. Those conditions are not conducive to flawless operation or long electronic life.

Every brand of camera (with the possible exception of BuckeyeCam) is experiencing reliability and functionality problems. You might get a good unit and you might get a bad unit. You take your chances.
I have the wildgame micro red 8.0 I hated it until I moved it to a spot that gets very little sunlight. All the images where way over exposed or bright. Now that its in the shade it takes pretty good day time pics but the night ones are not so good but you can tell what everything is.
Picture quality-wise in the Moultrie line, which is better, the M-80 or the D-55?
Artemas said:
I love the moultrie m80 and m80xt. I have 4 and once I got those the guys in the club bought out our local basspro's supply at the time. Search under the serious deer hunting talk for "advice on game camera" from 8/12/12. I have samples from my cam on there.

Not finding it. Do you have the link?
here what i got and it does really good on batteries and pictures i haven't had any problems out of it.

Game Spy D-50IR

here's a picture of it

I will let you know if I ever figure it out. Normally when I think I found good ones, they will be dead the next time I check them. I, my dad, my brother, my buddy, my other buddy, etc. will NEVER buy another Wild Game Innovations camera. Never received any returned phone calls or emails when we had problems. We moved on to the Moultrie M80 but not willing to go out on a limb yet.
I have the moultrie m80's. I just bought my last one in April for turkey season and I have just started having trouble with it. It turned itself off and now won't turn back on. I've replaced batteries in it with no luck. But over all I would recommend them they are good cameras that take real good pictures for the $$.
Here's what I do. Go to www.amazon.com. Search for "Game & Trail Cameras". Click on the Department (on righthand side of page) and choose "Sports & Outdoors". Then sort by Avg. Customer Review.

Now just go through the list to find your price range based on reviews.

The first one, for me, under $100 is the Primos Truth Cam 35. I have it, and it does ok. Really good on battery life. And pictures have been good. I've had it out for about 2 months behind the house (deer pass through) and my batteries are now at 60% but when I put it out i used old batteries! They were 70% when they started.

Thats friggin awesome. The pictures are ok.


Sometimes it does the IR thing during the day, but still you can see.