Need Help ( Looking for a Guide )


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Chatt City
I have a 12 year old boy that I work with through the " Big Brothers Program" and for the last three years I've been trying to get him a turkey. We've came close several times but just not been able to close the deal. The lease I'm on has some turkeys but you have to spend " a lot " of time chasing them.....which I just don't have.

Anyways I'm looking for a guide that can take us with a higher then normal chance of getting one. ( The boy will be the only one hunting )

I'm not looking for a handout and I'm more then willing to pay for 2 days of hunting ( say 4 hrs in the morning each day ) for $100 a day. Would prefer middle or east TN. We will provide our own lodging.

Any help would greatly appreciated,

Arch -
I got a big place just up the road from ya about 30 mins. I ain't a guide but I been huntin em about 30 years & I've seen 1 or 2 die. It's just me n my 2 sons that hunt it, I'd say between the 3 of us we should be able to put the boy on a bird. Can't make any guarantees on a kill, because afterall, it is turkey hunting. I'll see what I can put together & holler back at ya.

Oh yeah, don't worry bout the $$ to hunt, we'd be happy just to be able to help out.
if i had a place ide invite yall over. however i do see birds on my land (16 acres). if yall want to come hunt them its ok with me, no charge