Need Recommendation on new Bow !!! Help

tater head

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
To make a long story short....

The only compound bow that I have owned I bought 16 years ago, gave it away to a new hunter a few years back, bought a xbow, hunted with it, didnt like it, lost big deer w/ it and said screw it..

Now Im going to get another compound

Bows have come a long way since early 90's, this I know..

Here is what Im looking for..
A FORGIVING BOW!! doesnt have to be lightning fast, I cant afford to drop a grand on one, I would like to stay under $600 - fully rigged, please help guys, and any suggestions on where to buy one at close to Mboro ( I would rather pay a local-ocal than a Dicks or BPS )
i second the mission line of bows. i have the journey and love it.i have heard good things about the mission eliminator and u should be able to get a set-up for under 600 with that bow.
tater head said:
I went by mboro outdoors, they highly recommend the PSE BRUTE LT, has anyone shot one of these?

i have the BRUTE NP, the 07 model i bought last year at discount in paris(same cam minus the 6" of drawlength adj without a press). all i can say is excellent bow for the money. i shot 3 at the store, a drenalin, brute and a hoyt of somekind. the matthews and hoyt were smoother but i didnt shoot any better with them. so with the money i saved i bought a vapor trails dropaway rest, and a couple dozen arrows. i have put over 1200 shots thru it and it shoots as well as the day i bought it. no hand vibration and it wont jerk your shoulder out of socket, and plenty quick.

another member on here uses one and he kills stuff left and right also with his. good luck!!
The Mission, PSE, etc. lines that were mentioned are all great, but so is the Reflex line made by Hoyt. They are sold at Cabelas, Bass Pro, etc. We got my dad set up with one and it's very nice.

The Primos Bear series are nice bows and get good reviews from hunters.

I think I like them all :D
I may be wrong, but didn't they stop making Reflex bows. If so, you could run into some warranty issues if you ever needed it.
you will get a recommendation for most any bow here. the only way to know which bow is for you is to actually shoot it.
stik said:
you will get a recommendation for most any bow here. the only way to know which bow is for you is to actually shoot it.

very true.

if you are looking for forgivness pay attention to the brace height. The longer the brace height the more forgiving a bow can be.

Do your homework and shoot as many as you can to make sure you get a good feel for what is out there.
Good question on Reflex. I don't follow them closely and haven't kept up to be honest. Hopefully he won't need to make a claim. I guess he could always go directly to Hoyt and deal with them. I know one of their engineers. I'll see if I can get ahold of him.
ok, i like the pse brute, ordered it today, got bow, ready to shoot pkg, 6 pse carbon arrows, shipped,, ready to go $465
IM HAPPY (and saved $200)
defintitley go with the bow tech toxik. My dad shoots this bow it is amazing and lightning fast. Field & Stream's BOW OF THE YEAR.
