Need some help please


May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Monteagle, TN
I would like some help with trying to find a good spot to hunt on my lease. This is my third season deer hunting and am trying to learn the skills to deer hunt. So far I have struck out this season. Does anything jump out at you on these pictures? Thank you for your time.
Have you seen any activity at all? Does moving thru or browsing? If the rut is in full swing and it probably is then you find the ladies and the guys won't be far behind. What kind of field is that at the compass
One of the two benches halfway up.

Also, try to figure out how the deer are using the fields at the bottom. Probably using a field corner and/or a finger ridge or draw for entry/exit and travel
Have you seen any activity at all? Does moving thru or browsing? If the rut is in full swing and it probably is then you find the ladies and the guys won't be far behind. What kind of field is that at the compass
Not sure on the fields because they are not part of the lease. There is one section between the two fields that is part of the lease. Have seen some cruising on camera but not much else.
You are wise to ask for help on this forum as the experience is tremendous. In my opinion, the benches are likely bedding areas but are hard to hunt because of the lack access. My thoughts are to hunt low on ridges just above the fields in the evening so the thermals stay in your favor. The area between the fields that is part of your lease seems like a good spot for hunting stand.
Anything uphill from where you park. Trust me on this one.... Beyond that, nothing beats time on the ground walking the property after season.
I always want to ask for help as well . Where could i read to learn more about reading maps. I dont even know what a "saddle" or "bench" means to be honest
A saddle is the low part in a ridge where it dips down from one peak to the next. Just as the name implys. Think of what a saddle looks like. A bench is a flat on the side of a ridge line sometimes it's no more than a road bed. It's a convenience to deer for easy travel just out of sight to humans. It's also a great place to find scrapes.
A saddle is the low part in a ridge where it dips down from one peak to the next. Just as the name implys. Think of what a saddle looks like. A bench is a flat on the side of a ridge line sometimes it's no more than a road bed. It's a convenience to deer for easy travel just out of sight to humans. It's also a great place to find scrapes
I'm by no means a great hunter. Many people a whole lot better at mountain terrain setups on here than me. Even though I live in the mountains go figure. But there is several benches couple look pretty good size. Now approaching those right would be trial by error for me. Maybe not so for the better hunters on here. Maybe they can chime in. The bigger ones you could probably get in without knocking the deer out or you might have to so you form a plan. Watch the winds. And remember thermals also. Gotta scout but just look up benches and saddles and thermals. If you google it you'll find all the info save it to your Home Screen on your phone. Use it on your scout mission. Also you can find Catmans oak tree identification save that to your Home Screen. Good luck.
I agree with others...check the benches and any saddles for sign.....but after the season is over and most others are sitting at home...learn as much as you can about the season is a great time to scout hard and find deer sign.
I'd personally look to sit at about 1400 to 1450 contour. Mainly because it seems to be the top of your ravines ( bottle necks) coming up the ridge side. It makes for easy travel for them and quick get away watch if possible the 1450 spot that's wide it seems to be a bench. Also no matter what you do watch your wind and get as high in a tree as you can.