Need some turkey gun advice!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2005
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Wondering what I should do. I bought a Mossberg 535 last year and killed a bird with it a few days later. As everyone knows these Mossberg's almost bring tears to your eyes. It's one thing when a few people say that, but every review I read on one says the same thing. And I know people say that you don't think about it when that bird is down the barrel, which is true, but I do remember that thing put a whollop on me when i shot that bird. I'm kind of small framed, tall and lanky. I don't want to dread shooting my gun all the time, and i would like something my wife can shoot too. Question is, there is a guy on another forum with an 870 super mag for sale and i think it's a good price. Should i maybe buy this gun and sell my 535? Would a recoil pad help enough to make the 535 well enough to shoot? Looking for some ideas. Thanks
I have an 870 SM that I turkey hunt with. Shooting 3.5" loads makes it kick too. I have shot a Moss 835 once but didn't really notice any difference in kick as I was shooting at a bird. I would have the 870 over the Moss but that is JUST me.... Do what you feel you can afford to do. You can change the pads out on any of them guns and probably make a little difference. Sorry I can't help you more....

But I also shoot a 10ga and I guess that has gotten me past the kick of the 3.5" 12ga loads.
Are you shooting 3" shells? If not start shooting 3" shells. You might take your recoil pad off and add some weight inside. The main reason those guns kick like that is they are very light weight. But that is the reason I like them if you end up walking a lot they are a lot easier to lug. Don't know about the 870's but my 1187 has very light recoil and has accounted for a lot of birds.
They sell recoil pads you can wear also. I have heard of those helping people also. The last thing you want is to be thinking about the kick, you will pull your shot every time.
I am shooting 3" shells. I was shooting a mossberg 500 and still had the 3" shells so that's what i used. Just shooting one to see what it would do to a target at 35 yards like to have spun me half way around. I have never shot a remington and who knows it might be just as bad, but i haven't read many people saying how the remington kick like a have mossbergs.
The mossturds do kick a little more but there is not much difference in any gun when you shoot 3 1/2 inch shells. It doesnt really bother me but i guess im just lucky. That new remington recoil pad is really sopposed to help or by a sims pad for your mossberg. The pro hunter stocks do help alot on the encore turkey guns. Thats what my wife shoots.
I have a 835 also,I'm gonna use 3 inch shells this year!!the 3.5 shells have got me flinching from it and it now makes me flinch from my deer rifle also.I put a Sims kick pad on mine which helps alot but the gun still flys up from the recoil!!
i got a 535 and i would suggest not shooting 3.5" shells through it. im not a big guy either, but i can handle the 3" recoil with no problem. get ya some hevi - 13 3" 2oz. and you will hardly notice the recoil.
3.5=Mules Foot anyway you look at it...gun don't really matter!!! ;)

I love to shoot don't make me any stronger than anyone I jus love to shoot it I have shot more than half a box before in 1 day!!! :crazy:
i have the 870 SM and have shot the 835. I would say the 835 is a bit worse no doubt but either way the 3.5 WILL put a hurting on you. I no longer really pattern my 870 due to that. I however dont notice it a bit when aimed at a bird.

i to am the tall lanky type 6'3 175lbs. The Moss 935 however is what i am looking to get now instead of my 870. I love the 870 alot more then the 835 but just want an auto now.
REN said:
i have the 870 SM and have shot the 835. I would say the 835 is a bit worse no doubt but either way the 3.5 WILL put a hurting on you. I no longer really pattern my 870 due to that. I however dont notice it a bit when aimed at a bird.

i to am the tall lanky type 6'3 175lbs. The Moss 935 however is what i am looking to get now instead of my 870. I love the 870 alot more then the 835 but just want an auto now.


I have a 935 and with that Auto you seriously never fell the kick....I guess it takes so much out with it having to eject the shell also???
spitndrum said:
REN said:
i have the 870 SM and have shot the 835. I would say the 835 is a bit worse no doubt but either way the 3.5 WILL put a hurting on you. I no longer really pattern my 870 due to that. I however dont notice it a bit when aimed at a bird.

i to am the tall lanky type 6'3 175lbs. The Moss 935 however is what i am looking to get now instead of my 870. I love the 870 alot more then the 835 but just want an auto now.


I have a 935 and with that Auto you seriously never fell the kick....I guess it takes so much out with it having to eject the shell also???

yeah i really like them, i just have to find one thats not $550! If i invest in a new shotgun I want the camo one so that jacks up the price.
I bought a 535 several years ago and it kicked like a freakin' mule. I went back to my old 835 and put a limbsaver recoil pad on it. You still know she's there when you shoot the 3 1/2's but the recoil pad definitely helps.
i shoot an 835, one of my buds likes the 870; both shoot 3.5" shells. I can't tell any difference in the kick. To reduce the kick if you have a hollow stock you can fill it with something heavy (which makes the gun harder to carry), put a knox kick reducing stock on it which cost $100+, or put a better recoil pad on it $35.

I have the ATI tactical adjustable stock on mine with the cheap AK style buttpad that comes with the stock. Yes it kicks hard. When you put alot of powder behind alot of lead you get alot of kick. Thats just the way it is. If you can't take the kick get an auto or step back down to a smaller gun.

I wiegh about 160 and sometimes which ever foot is in front when i shoot comes off the ground. I think I've heard something like 65 ft/lb of energy hits you when you pull the trigger on a 3.5" shell (i may be wrong on the 65 not sure where i heard it).
Can't help but grin when i shoot it. Really makes you feel like your doing something.
If hard kicking guns bother you i steped down to a 20ga 870 last year for a little more challnge and killed one grave yard dead at 45 yards