Never again


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2011
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Will I ever go to a big box store to have my stuff worked on. Of the six arrows I originally bought, one insert was messed up. Nothing would screw into it. So, I took it in. Gave it to the kid behind the counter and told him what was going on. He first said it was my fault somehow and he would do his best. So, he then lit the torch, got the removal tool red hot, screwed it in, and melted the end of my arrow. I then told him what he did and wanted a new arrow. Instead of getting me a BRAND NEW one, he reached into a bin of random arrows, pulled one out that had the same spine and told me this will do. He cut it, put an insert into it and handed it back. Unfortunatly, I did not have enough time to talk to a manager. I got home, looked over the arrow, and found that it is 2 inches too long and has a straight fletch to it. Needless to say, I have a junk arrow. Awesome.
I stopped there last year to buy a cot they had on sale and one of the "young men" on the floor informed me that they were out of stock. I asked him to substitute a different cot that was the same price and he told me "No way". I then asked for a manager and was told "It won't do you any good". I said that I would find out for myself. When the manager came over he not only let me have the cot for the sale price but threw in some camp gadgets for my trouble.

Go see the manager.
Ya, I am pretty mad about it. I am going to go tomorrow after work and see what the deal is. Heck, at ten bucks an arrow. Its worth the 15 bucks in gas it will take to make it right.
What sucks the most is that I am a long time shopper of said store. I shopped there when it was a "discount" outdoors store, before they got huge.
A buddy of mine from work bought his bow up there. After watching him shoot I noticed he was extremely over extended via draw length of the bow. I think he was shooting it on 29" and his whole release hand was behind his head while leaning back and the string touching his cheek instead of the tip of his nose. Well his bow could be changed in draw length via modules but he didn't have any so I rode up with him to Gander to see if they had some. I measured him to need about a 26.5" draw to compensate for d-loop...making it just shy of 27" him up there and their bow technician asks why he needed a shorter draw and wanted to see him pull his bow back first. He stood there and says "It looks good to me...I don't think it needs shortened". I couldn't keep my mouth shut. After my rant, he got his 26.5" modules on there and shoots better than ever now.
Yea I would stay away from these kind of stores. If they dont use a tool to square the arrow after they cut it the insert wont set right and you wont get a broadhead to fly right. At these stores they let people work on bows and arrows that dont even shoot bows or even know anythang about hunting. If you need some bowshops names in your area I know a few that will treat you right.
Well, I think I am going to head up to Edgemoor outdoors next week. Authorized Quest dealer and cater to veterans. Hope they can square me away.
Gander and Bass Pro were the worst things to happen to the archery industry around here. running the mom and pop's off, and they are the ones who actually know what they are doing.