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Never had this happen...

Crow Terminator

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 1999
Reaction score
McMinn County
I went to my brother inlaws property Friday evening. I saw a few deer...he has probably a 30 acre hay field and it has one single oak tree in it. It is dropping acorns like crazy and the deer are coming from all over to eat under it. The tree is in a bad spot...about 70 yards from his property line. I had a nice doe come in and I sent a Slick Trick through her, and she ran straight over there and looked like she was gonna do the nose dive at any step. She went into a sage/briar field with small cedars. Well no doubt she was down.

But that ain't my brother inlaws place. My brother inlaw told me that the owner was sort of a meany head. Last year I took my wife over there for ML and when he saw us over there, he walked up and down his fence line all evening clapping his hands and hollering. Well I didn't want to get caught over there without permission so we ask if I can go look for my doe. He says no...that it can lay there and rot.

So I had the ethics question rolling in my head. Well I decided to try and sneak and get my deer and got caught. Probably not the smartest thing I've ever done but I thought I at least owed it to the deer I killed to try and recover it. I got a good butt chewing and thought I was going to jail but kept my cool and still didn't get to get my deer. I don't know if the ole rascal left it laying up there or got it later for himself. That's the first time I've ever had anything like this happen! I figured most folks wouldn't mind a person recovering a deer that had actually and honestly been shot on the adjoining property but I guess the world sure has changed!

What would you guys have done? Would you have just given up after you asked to retrieve it? Or would you have done like me and tried the ole "wait til later and sneak and get it". LOL. My brother in law told me I shouldn't have asked to begin with and just went and got it, but I don't roll that way. So in one day, I shoot a $10 broadhead, lost my arrow with lighted nock that failed to turn on, about went to jail, and still didn't get to get my deer.
I think you did the right thing by calling first , but since he denied your request to retrieve the deer , you should have sought out the TWRA for their assistance before you went back .
The only thing the Twra officer could do is ask. The land owner does not have to grant anyone permission to get the deer. Bummer, sorry dude.
Just let him know that if he is a hunter the reciprocal is in place and he will not be able to retrieve a deer on your brother in law's side of the line as well . It works both ways. ;)
That does suck! What a douchebag! Im no advocating trespassing,but I don't think I could knowingly leave a downed deer if its just right across the property line,that is a pretty sorry thing to do on the land owners part.
richmanbarbeque said:
The only thing the Twra officer could do is ask. The land owner does not have to grant anyone permission to get the deer. Bummer, sorry dude.


Stinks. But you tried and asked. To bad the guy was a jerk
Crow Terminator said:
I went to my brother inlaws property Friday evening. I saw a few deer...he has probably a 30 acre hay field and it has one single oak tree in it. It is dropping acorns like crazy and the deer are coming from all over to eat under it. The tree is in a bad spot...about 70 yards from his property line. I had a nice doe come in and I sent a Slick Trick through her, and she ran straight over there and looked like she was gonna do the nose dive at any step. She went into a sage/briar field with small cedars. Well no doubt she was down.

But that ain't my brother inlaws place. My brother inlaw told me that the owner was sort of a meany head. Last year I took my wife over there for ML and when he saw us over there, he walked up and down his fence line all evening clapping his hands and hollering. Well I didn't want to get caught over there without permission so we ask if I can go look for my doe. He says no...that it can lay there and rot.

So I had the ethics question rolling in my head. Well I decided to try and sneak and get my deer and got caught. Probably not the smartest thing I've ever done but I thought I at least owed it to the deer I killed to try and recover it. I got a good butt chewing and thought I was going to jail but kept my cool and still didn't get to get my deer. I don't know if the ole rascal left it laying up there or got it later for himself. That's the first time I've ever had anything like this happen! I figured most folks wouldn't mind a person recovering a deer that had actually and honestly been shot on the adjoining property but I guess the world sure has changed!

What would you guys have done? Would you have just given up after you asked to retrieve it? Or would you have done like me and tried the ole "wait til later and sneak and get it". LOL. My brother in law told me I shouldn't have asked to begin with and just went and got it, but I don't roll that way. So in one day, I shoot a $10 broadhead, lost my arrow with lighted nock that failed to turn on, about went to jail, and still didn't get to get my deer.

I believe I would have done what your brother said. I don't know though....after hearing about the way he patrolled the fence line hollarin...I might have just taken my pistol with me and told that old man to step aside while I got my deer. No sense in the way that old man is acting.
Isn't walking the fenceline hollering and clapping considered hunter harassment? Couldn't he be charged with wanton waste or something? He knows it is there and said it could just rot. How much more wanton could it get?
I would set up right on the property line (as close to his house as possible) at 4am with my 300wsm and a few boxes of ammo and just fire off a few rounds every 5-10 minutes until i ran out of bullets!What a DICKHEAD! I would make it my personal mission to make his life MISERABLE every week until season ended!Then i would get the semiauto 22 and 500 rounds and do the same as quick as I could squeeze the trigger!!
If a guy tells you youcan't set foot on his land, you cant. Once a deer is dead, you don't "owe" it nothing. At that point the deer is simply meat.

If the landowner wants the meat to rot, I'd be very disappointed, but I sure wouldn't feel guilty. The landowner is the cause of the waste, not you.

BTW, forgive the typos above. I know how to spell, I just can'[t type worth a darn!
Sales sales sales. Here is what you do. Go up to this individual keep your cool (dont wear your hunting clothes) and apologize for your actions ask him how yu can make it up to him. Then stop talking...! let him do all the talking. Ask open ended questions not yes or no questions. Ask why he possily hates your inlaw ask if you can help arounf his land. Invite him for a lunch. If this does not work simply look him square in the eye and say " Im sorry and wanted to make this up to you and work on a relationship with you and simply walk away. Your a bette man and walk away no attitude.
Once you asked and got a no, you should not have crossed onto his land.

Also, I would say he could have been charged with hunter harassment for his actions earlier.

Deer hunting is supposed to be fun!
Folks around here are a bit funny when it comes to hunting and the law folk are funny around here too. Basically what the law folk say in a situation like that would be "if he owns the land he can walk and clap his hands all he wants to, whenever he wants to, while he's on it". It's no different than shooting a gun out here...if the neighbors don't like it and complain, the officers MIGHT come out to the residence of the one shooting and make sure they are shooting into a safe area. Other than that, there's nothing they really can do.

I really don't know what the guys deal is. My brother inlaw just owns the land over there because of the barn and cuts and sells the hay on the land. He don't have a house there or anything and is rarely over there. But it is evident that the neighbor don't like folks hunting around here.

I went back over there Monday of this week and hunted and about an hour before dark, he came out and started shooting a .22 and shot it til dark.
Radar said:
I think you did the right thing by calling first , but since he denied your request to retrieve the deer , you should have sought out the TWRA for their assistance before you went back .

richmanbarbeque said:
The only thing the Twra officer could do is ask. The land owner does not have to grant anyone permission to get the deer. Bummer, sorry dude.

W.Seay said:
I would set up right on the property line (as close to his house as possible) at 4am with my 300wsm and a few boxes of ammo and just fire off a few rounds every 5-10 minutes until i ran out of bullets!What a DICKHEAD! I would make it my personal mission to make his life MISERABLE every week until season ended!Then i would get the semiauto 22 and 500 rounds and do the same as quick as I could squeeze the trigger!!

It sounds like he is an Anti-Hunting fool so you are going to have a family hatfield and Mc Cooy fued what ever you do. If he makes noise then all you can do is avoid him or make more noise and have him arrested when he starts shooting at ya.
JimH said:
Sales sales sales. Here is what you do. Go up to this individual keep your cool (dont wear your hunting clothes) and apologize for your actions ask him how yu can make it up to him. Then stop talking...! let him do all the talking. Ask open ended questions not yes or no questions. Ask why he possily hates your inlaw ask if you can help arounf his land. Invite him for a lunch. If this does not work simply look him square in the eye and say " Im sorry and wanted to make this up to you and work on a relationship with you and simply walk away. Your a bette man and walk away no attitude.

You may not "sell" the guy--but you might find out what his problem is anyway. It's hard to be nice to someone that has been such a d**khead, but it may partially work. You've been a bigger person than him even if he is still a c**kbag.