When ever I get a new bow I hunt with it until I make a kill with it I thought I was going to make it past gun season with this one..... the deer would not come out and play!
Key word is rumor... I have widows from before 2000 to present and all have been perfect.
I am sure they have a problem bow from time to time but that is the case with anything that is made by Man how they take care of the problem is key to me.
They have always been very helpful to me and done what they said they would.
this is number 4 for me and I have many other bows but one of the Widows is always my go to bow.
The self bows will get their chance.
I have a new set of napped flint heads for them so they are next.
Eddie the corn field you are thinking of has been shelled.
this is a new spot for me as well trying to find hunting ground around here is tuff for sure.