New Bow on the way!

Drop 4/5

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Morgan Co.
I have a new Fred Bear Game Over being shipped this week and was wondering what type of rest and sight you might recommend. Any places online you would recomend looking at. There sure are a lot of options to concider.

Thanks for the input

look in the cabelas online bargain cave. sometimes you can get good deals on sights and arrow rests in there. i recently found some deals on ebay.
Thanks for the info. For those of you that have been around the bow scene for a while did you have better luck with a whisker bisquet or rest.
I was die hard whisker biscuit for a long time. Then I gave in to all the talk of drop aways and got a rip cord. After shooting for a couple of months I gave the wb away and will never go back. Tighter groups without having to refletch all the time due to damage from the rest. Still have the full containment and have never had to readjust it in 3 years of heavy use. There is other drop aways out there that also offer full containment with simple set up.

I agree with outbackhunter on the .019 pin size. Not sure what parts are getting broke on 3 different rest though. I bow should be handled just like you would your scoped rifle. Even if you don't break parts, things could still be knocked out of line if not handled gently.
Thanks for the input. I had read about the rip cord and like what the reviews say but with no experience would that put me in over my head. I am going over to BP tomorrow to take a look and see what the prices are like. I am in no hurry but probably need to pick up a case and start outfitting with stabilizer etc. I like what I have read about a peep sight, can they be installed on the exsisting bow string?

If you are not sure how to set up your bow take it to a shop. It will need to be put in press to install peep. Nock height and center shot on rest will have to be set. Not sure how much you know about setting up a bow but the actual installation of the rest is simple along with setting the drop cord. Anyone that can read can install a drop-away. Getting your bow tuned properly is harder if you are not sure what you are doing and don't have the tools.
Went to BP yesterday afternoon and what a selection. Had a young man help me that really knew his stuff and just happen to go to school with my son. Picked up a drop away rest, sight, stabilizer,peep sight, release, quiver and 1 doz arrows. Heck it cost more than the bow darn near double and I still have to get a hard case. Had dinner plans and then I am at the Fire Dept. today will get all the spec. when I get home tomorrow. Had to have them drop down from 70# to 65#. Guess I am not as strong as I thought LOL. Anyway thanks for the input, maybe I will get a chance to get out and shoot it in the next couple days.

ShaneHallum said:
But if you have a budget like myself, check out

2nd that! is a great place to find deals. All kinds of great info too.
Drop 4/5 said:
I have a new Fred Bear Game Over being shipped this week
PM me or let me know somehow how it shoots when you get it set up. I was thinking of trying one myself...if I get enough tax money back.
Got a chance to shot my bow for the first time today over at BP range. First couple shots were a little off then I adjusted the sight and my groups improved. Still have a long way to go but I am pretty excited about the next bow season. Gives me a reason to go out and practice.

Cool! I'm ready for it to warm up so I can shoot outside more comfortably.