New bows every year, why?

infoman jr.

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
The 2014 Mathews thread got me thinking.

Why is the archery industry forced to release new bows every year? Major leaps in technology could take many years to develop. Perhaps they have to introduce minor variations of current bows until they get the major things ironed out. You don't see this mandate in the firearms industry.
most bow hunters are more than eager to upgrade to the newest and best thing, you know good as i do that 5 more fps is worth 1000 dollars every year lol
Archery for most people I'd a hobby and just like golfing or fishing or anything you want to upgrade your equipment after a few years.
Let's regroup. I'm not asking why some people upgrade bows every year or two.

Why does the bowhunting community expect (or mandate) bow manufacturers to come out with new bows every year like the auto industry?
The reason most bow makers, like a lot of other manufactures, introduce new stuff every year is really simple. It is us the buyers. Most want the newest and latest regardless of if its better. If you had time to hang out in a shop and listen to people who are looking for a new bow, especially after bow season opens, this is one true thing you would here 98% of the time. When is the new ones coming out or I will just wait until the new ones come out. Most are satisfied with the idea that since its the newest and latest then it must be better. In truth most bow makers could simply change the camo pattern and up the price as it is this years "new" one and they would a sell them and not actually be changing anything. They way people go about buying a "new" bow is just when people go to buy a "new" car. They will hold out for next year's model as it must be better as it is the newest.
Personally I buy one about every 5-6 years. Now I don't always buy new. Once I waited 10 yrs wow huge leap in technology. But every year a new bow??? Just think of the money lost in value each year on those bows. I am due next year I am a PSE fan so they have my business.
infoman jr. said:
Let's regroup. I'm not asking why some people upgrade bows every year or two.

Why does the bowhunting community expect (or mandate) bow manufacturers to come out with new bows every year like the auto industry?

I don't think it is as much the community mandating the manufacturers come out with new bows, as it is the manufacturers trying gain market-share against each other knowing the tendencies of the end-users and their competition as well�some people just have to have the latest and greatest and some upgrade every 4-6 years. However, when your going to advertise and create all this hype over your new flagship line, you better dang-well deliver or you risk burning some loyal supporters of your product.

I'm in complete agreement, and I believe the manufacturers would be as well, to only release a bow when there has been some noticeable change in technology that made it quieter or more shootable�take that engineering time spent on these little Mickey Mouse changes and come up with something that is just lights out. However, that just isn't reality�especially in the highly competitive world of archery.
Well I looked today at the new PSE's. 729$ plus plus plus. Makes my current bow look better and better and better!!!!
Rickym said:
Why do they make new bows every year????? To pay the bills....and keep people working..

True...but that's not what the OP is asking about. Take the firearm industry for example...some have been in business longer than all the archery companies combined, and pay the bills/employing workers. But you don't see them coming out with new "flagship" rifles every year. They find a platform that is proven and works, and that's what they produce.

Bow companies seem to have a different marketing strategy. They are sort of like vehicle companies...every yr they gotta come out with a new thing. It may not vary much from the previous yrs model...but will be guaranteed to cost more :) The only difference is...bow companies will give it a new name, vs the vehicle companies that just get a new yr but still call it the same; such as the F150...been around for years but had several body style changes, etc...but still an F150.
Doesn't affect me, I got 12 years out of my first one, got me new one this lasy summer and will hopefully get that long after it
people like new stuff, its that simple. Why do golf companies come out with new drivers every year and they happen to be the same price as the previous year.

I am not one to get a NEW one each year but i like to get a newer one every few years, i just like to use different stuff is all. Having said that i would NEVER buy a brand new bow, i like to wait a year and get it for 60% of that cost and get to see how people really like it over that time period.

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