We've got some. Getting the pictures by text is more irritating than anything else. And the quality of the pictures is poor.
That's due to either user error; or purposeful cell cam settings; or limitations of
some cell cams.
If you're just looking at cell cam pics on your "smart" phone, it would typically be the phone imposing those poor quality images. You should be able to change some cell cam settings, and/or just look on a computer screen instead of phone, and get a big improvement in image quality.
With exception of the Tactacams (which are my least favorite), all my cell cams report in on their programmed schedules to both my large-screen computer as well as my phone. I can program notices be sent to either or both. I have "notices" coming into my phone, but do most "viewing" on a computer.
With my Ridgetec cams, I can quickly get exactly the same images on my computer (or phone) that are recorded on the sd cards.
Now, whereas I once watched TV (or dvd's, etc.) for entertainment, I spend time every morning & evening viewing & scrutinizing cell cam pics, which is both entertaining and purposeful to me. Doing this daily also "spreads" the time over a longer period rather than having to spend a great amount of time all at once viewing a retrieved sd card from a non-cell cam.
Most days, I simply remotely delete 90% of the cell cam images, leaving only about 10% on the sd card for later back-up saving. Any thing deemed worthy, is daily saved both on the cell cam's "server" as well as downloaded onto my laptop. The cam's sd card becomes mainly just another image "back-up" with my methodology.
Think about all the time it typically takes to carefully review the SD cards pulled from a dozen trail cams in a single day. With cell cams, because you can have already deleted 90% of the images over previous weeks or months, you should have relatively few images remaining on the SD card, and should already know what they are.