New Grill


Staff member
Jan 26, 2001
Reaction score
Colorado via Mississippi
It's time for a new grill. My old charbroil has finally bitten the dust. I have replace the innards in it before, and the thing is about 15 yrs old so I got my money's worth..

I'm trying to decide between a Big Green Egg, Kamado Joe, or a good weber gas grill.

My brother swears he can have his egg going & ready to cook in 15 mins, which would be my main concern (how quick i can cook on it) .

We grill quite a bit, usually steaks/hamburgers/fish/veggies. I never have tried smoking but would like to give it a shot..

What do y'all think?
I have the Kamado Joe and love it and yes it can be ready for grilling in 15-20 minutes
I have never owned a ceramic grill, but used one a dozen or so times. Maybe I'm inexperienced, but I don't think I could replace my traditional grill with a ceramic grill like the BGE/Kamado Joe.
Using a charcoal chimney I can have my egg ready to grill burgers in 15 minutes. I had never smoked anything before and only used a propane grill before getting the egg. Now in addition to grilling and smoking traditional stuff like Boston butt, I'm always looking for something else to smoke/slow cook, like breakfast sausage, cornish game hens, diy honeybaked ham, etc. With a wireless meat thermometer setup it is impossible to screw up and is always delicious. Even burgers on a regular grill just don't taste the same now. It's an investment for sure, but if mine broke tomorrow I would immediately replace it.
Price on BGE scared me off, when I was looking for a charcoal grill. So I got a weber performer 22in, love it. Later on I got a Weber Smokey Mountain 22in smoker. I also had a Broil King baron 4burner gasser (excellent grill--except grates rusted out after 4-5yrs of use, replaced them) really like it. I also recently got a Blackstone 36in griddle. Love cooking on the Webers, and the griddle opened up a whole new area. So I gave my BK Baron gasser to my SIL. Grill, smoke, sear, stir fry, diner griddle type foods, etc. I grill and smoke all year long, and griddle now. Fish fries and big batches of sauce or canning I have a 2burner Camp Chef stove.

My brothers has the extra large BGE has for a while, he loves and makes some GREAT food on it. But for me I like my setup pretty dang good. Been thinking about building me a covered outdoor kitchen setup off the patio.
Look at the kamado acorn, similar to BGE but without the price. It's great for everything and 10x better than my old grill
I'm in the same boat and have decided on a pellet grill. If you want a kamado check out the grilla grill kong. Very comparable to the BGE at a better value.

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I'm a big believer in the Weber line of grills. My first one went 16 years before I decided to replace it. I only replaced the burner once in that time frame. And only the burner. They are expensive but well worth it. Get a Genesis.....and then brake it in with some back straps.
Hard to beat a Weber, cant really speak on their gas grills as it's been a long time since I've used one but they get the job done just as good. Their customer service is second to none imo (if you even have troubles)
i've got a weber charcoal grill that i got 25 yrs ago.

i'm wanting something to replace my disintegrated gas grill, and it was between an "Ceramic" type or another gas grill. While I use my charcoal grill a lot, i want something that I can cook quick with it . My brother says he can have his egg ready to cook on in 15 mins..
I'm a Weber guy so I'd vote weber lol. Don't really have much experience with bge other than a guy I know having one and he only bought it because it was a little cheaper than the Weber Summit lol
I suggest the Big Green Egg.................I've used for years, never once regretted having one. Your brother is right, it can be ready in minutes, and you can smoke ribs, shoulders, butts and all your friends will want you to keep on cooking !!