New R/D longbow broke


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
Henry co.
Hey all. Ive been waiting on my custom bamboo backed hickory reflex/deflex longbow for months and finially got it in the mail yesterday. I strung it and took it to the range to shoot that afternoon. I nocked my first arrow and almost got to full draw and heard a small crunch. After letting it down I saw a crack in the bamboo about an inch long. Man you talk about sick! :sick: I contacted the builder and he told me to just throw it away and he would start on another on. I just wonder if it can be repaired? Maybe epoxied and wrapped? I really hate to just junk it.
Thats heart break'n, I feel for ya, at least the builder is man enuff to replace it without hassle.

Let us know how it turns out.
Personally I would be afraid to shoot it any more, it can only get worse over time. Doubt if it could be repaired although wrapping would probably be the best way to "try" to fix it.
Would make a good "wall hanger."
I'm no expert at this but my understanding is if it is just a few fibers on the outside and not the core wood it can be wrapped and shot.

but I would go with the bowyer's recommendation.
Don't take the risk. It's not worth finding out the hard way if the bow is fixable. Take the bowyer's advice and chunk it. JMO
Good Luck with the new bow and God Bless, Steve