.444 Marlin
Well-Known Member

Bowtech equalizer. Benton shooters won't be carrying this brand anymore and are cutting prices back on all bowtechs to almost "at cost". This RH one was $460 out the door.
rbreedi1 said:Great shootin bow, I own one myself.
.444 Marlin said:I know the guy, he ain't a pos.... The cheaper of the bowtechs are $500+/-, the ones with the center pivot and the destroyer are around $750 and the skull camo bow they have is $500
ShaneHallum said:I had the same bow. Mine was a 07 model I think. I shot it with a biscuit and no sights.
29 inch draw at 66lbs. shooting a 27 1/4 arrow. Carbon Impact xlt fat shafts. It would shoot them at an average of 285ish if I remember right.
They are really nice bows, they balance out good.
.444 Marlin said:ShaneHallum said:I had the same bow. Mine was a 07 model I think. I shot it with a biscuit and no sights.
29 inch draw at 66lbs. shooting a 27 1/4 arrow. Carbon Impact xlt fat shafts. It would shoot them at an average of 285ish if I remember right.
They are really nice bows, they balance out good.
Aren't the equalizers a 60# max? Id prefer mine being 70 but my right shoulder isn't %100 so 60 will have to do.