new to bow hunting


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
madisonville tn
wanted to find out what kind of bow to get this is going to be first year hunting with a bow. looking for something reasonably priced not real exspensive any help would be appreciated or if anyone has one for sale thanks and god bless
stik said:
bows are a very personal thing. shoot as many as you can. you will know when you shoot "the one"

Dead-on answer! As stik said, bows are like tennis shoes�everyone has their own favorite brand for a whole host of reasons, but you should shoot as many different ones and find the one that is the best for you. It also will help you more than you know if you could get hooked up with someone that is familiar with the basics of archery so you'll at least know what to look for and what to feel for. If you have any further questions feel free to ask, and welcome to the site and the world of archery.
Welcome..I only shoot a ____...NAH..just kidding. Like they said before me. Everyone has a personal choice. Practice lots and always look for ways to make yourself better..No matter how long you've been doing it!
Unless it has sold, there is/was a very nice Hoyt Maxxis 35 in the classifieds here. Otherwise the best advice has already been given...go shoot as many as you can and let the bow pick you. Don't get caught up in sales gimmicks and cult like followings of fanboys and their koolaid. :-) Find what feels best to you regardless of what sticker brand it has on it. Me personally...I've taken a strong liking to Elite bows.