New to bowhunting, any advice would be great!


Active Member
Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
East Tennessee
I just got my first bow the other day. Its a Hoyt Ultra Mag and I really enjoy shooting it. Any tips or info I need to know before going and hunting with my bow?
The easy part is learning how to shoot accurately.

The hard part is learning exactly WHERE, at any given opportunity, to put your arrow to efficiently (within sight) KILL YOUR DEER!!!

Learn anatomy. THis is about the only place where hunting videos really have some learning merit.
If you analyze each bow shot deer, angle, etc., you can learn lots.

God luck and remember, the fun is in the JOURNEY!!!
I will recommend you not go hunting with a bow this year, in fact I ask you not to. Archery is somewhat complex and is not something you just pick on. It takes several months to become proficient enough to even think about shooting at another living being.

That being said, you need to find an experienced archer that you can partner with and will be willing to be your mentor so that they can show you the basics and can be there with you while you are shooting so they can point out what you're doing wrong before it becomes a bad habit. In almost every part of the State there will be an archery club near you�that is a great place to start.

I also recommend you video yourself, so you can physically see what you are doing wrong and doing correct�it is very eye-opening for the people I've helped in the past.
Many folks practice pre-season but dont shoot once the season opens. I think its even more important to practice after the opener. Your bow gets knocked around alot more and could easily be off. I try to shoot mine twice a week after the season opens.
Unicam said:
Many folks practice pre-season but dont shoot once the season opens. I think its even more important to practice after the opener. Your bow gets knocked around alot more and could easily be off. I try to shoot mine twice a week after the season opens.

Great advice. I do the same and shoot the target a few times a week during season. I've actually found a time or two where my site has been knocked out of line, I wouldn't have seen this had I not continued to practice. Just keep practicing until it feels natural to you, and practice from long distances. It makes shorter shots super easy. For example, I practice out to 50, sometimes 60 yards, and by doing so I'm very confident in my ability to shoot an animal within 40 yards of me.
First off. Are you already experienced at deer hunting? If not, starting off with a bow may prove to be difficult especially starting in late season. Although the deer will really be moving these next few weeks. I plan to bow hunt quite a bit through the thanksgiving holiday. Practicing every day would be my best advise. If you are alread an experienced deer hunter, then you should have no trouble putting yourself in bow range of a deer. By practicing, you will know what your effective killing range is. You need to stay within that range and be disciplined enough to wait on a good killing shot.