Welcome aboard! I started out last January/February on here getting advice and learned alot. I killed my first deer with a bow last Saturday and alot of what I learned was on here. I did buy a couple of books. If you want sheer volume of good and bad information, you can also visit archerytalk.com. Good luck!
Welcome to the site! You can learn alot of information from the website. You could also buy some books. I'm actually going to buy some books to try to learn more about scouting. You can never know enough. I've read alot of info at archerytalk, some good, some bad. Just be careful when people give you advice about equipment because everybody thinks what they use is the best.
You can learn allot from forums , but you have to learn to sort out good info from bad advice . Find a good mentor who is an experienced, successful bowhunter to help you get started out the right way .