New trend.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2014
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Posting a picture of a Doe or smaller buck, while explaining to anyone who may see it why you shot the deer.

"Cull buck"

"didn't see the spikes"

"Doe to buck ratio was off" (seen this this today)

" Would have never shot this small buck but friend wanted one to eat." (seen yesterday)

"Shot the wrong one" (Seen yesterday)

"Its not the biggest but".....

" wouldn't have shot this one, but only had one day to hunt"

Most these pics are young hunters/ juvi hunters smiling ear to ear. Sad they feel like they need an excuse to shoot a Doe or 6pt. Because the keyboard warriors will crap on them for not having a 180" ten point.
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I don't think this is "new". It's been going on for years.

they was a young boy maybe 18 at LBL this year with a 4 point probably 8" above the hairline at checking station that felt the need to run up to evey single person and explain how he thought it was a Doe & how sick he was over it, how he would have never shot that little buck. Acted like he didn't even want to keep the horns (cut head off for CED test) it just caught my eye more over last few weeks since then.
It's not a new trend, it's been going on for years.

The funniest one I see every year is "his face was grey and going downhill". While they post pics of a 2.5 yo 8 pt.
Thats funny...I seen one last week. My monster 180" 12 pt target buck got killed yesterday, so I settled for this guy thought he was bigger cause his such big bodied. Holding up a 95pound 6pt.
It's not a new trend, it's been going on for years.

The funniest one I see every year is "his face was grey and going downhill". While they post pics of a 2.5 yo 8 pt.

"Not what I usually shoot but if I didn't shoot him someone else would."

I heard that 5-6 times this weekend.

Just say I was deer hunting and I saw a deer and wanted to shoot it, nothing wrong with that.
"He needed killlin'"

Of course they would. You think kids aren't listening when they here people talk about trophy hunting? Focus groups and antler hobbyists know what's best for all of us. The #bucklivesmatter movement is still at it.

" If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth."

Ronald Reagan on deer hunting in Tennessee

Make Hunting Great Again
The whole cull buck thing kills me when it is a 1.5 or 2.5 year old 4-6 point… I have a Facebook friend who does this yearly. His wife's family owns some downright PRIME ground with some huge deer running around. He will shoot some like this every year and say well it's just a cull buck.
I shot one last week because he was fat, and my freezer was getting empty. It was an 8 point, couple inches outside the ears, but I couldn't tell much other than he was a fat, big bodied deer.
I think it's ok to own up to a mistake when you make one. Happened to me not that long ago. Full on chase. I got excited. Was about 300 yards. On the ground, the deer was clearly a 2.5 yo with a ton of potential and I had passed similar deer several times that year. I was pretty unhappy with myself, not for shooting the deer, but for misjudging a deer. I didn't meet my own standards.

But feeling the need to justify your shot because of what you think others would want you to do is the part that needs lanced and excised in a hurry.
Not a new trend. I don't care the only thing I hate is the "cull" buck. Mistakes happen buck fever what ever you want to call it and sometimes ground shrinking happens. No big deal be happy and move on.