New turkey gun


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
Reaction score
Blount co tn
Repost from hunting gear forum. Sorry if spamming.

I recently traded for a mossberg 535 factory apg pattern, tru-glo red dot scope, on a rail,20" accu choke barrerl( I wanted a 24" really but it eems to pattern well) thumbhole stock and it came with a xx-full .670 ported choke. I like it but haven't had time to shot it much. I haven't found any #6 long beards but here are the patterns with:

Remington nitro turkey 3" #6 @37 yards ... b9zh5a.jpg

And federal turkey thugs 3 1/2" #6 @37 ... q3fdue.jpg

I'd appreciate any and all feedback on patterns and choke shell setups.
Hmmm...I'd think you could get a far better pattern out of that gun, sir. I don't shoot a Mossy so can't speak specifically but am certain you can find reliable input at with a quick search.

What I do know however, is that Remington's turkey loads are just about the worst on the planet...throw those things in the swamp. If you can find Longbeards or Winchester Supremes my guess is your pattern will be far more dense and even. Might also consider polishing the bore as that helps most guns quite a bit.

Best of luck to you.
I have an old Mossberg 835 ulti slam. Shoot a Rhino choke with Nitro's H517. Here is a 30 yards with the H517.

I personally think that Hevi 13 # 6 or a long beard is just as good as not as tight. Either way, I have laid a lot of birds down with a Mossberg. Good luck to you and your new gun!
I was mistaken when I got this gun, sad to admit, I thought it was the ulti-mag. Slight difference with the larger bore. They say it makes a better pattern. Does anyone know?
1 piece of advise....THROW THE REMINGTON NITRO AMMO IN THE LAKE. I'm not sure there is a more awful turkey ammo out there.

IMO atleast....if you have a box then just use it as a paper weight.
get you some longbeards and a .660 choke should be a good setup
on the remington nitros they are not great but i can get a decent 30yrd pattern out of them but wouldnt shoot no further.