Hello all. I am a new member to the site however I have been reading posts for several weeks. I have gained some great information regarding turkey hunting while reading this website. I would like to say thanks to the moderators for maintaining such a great site and all the members for sharing tips and great stories. I don't want to get to windy on the first post however I have a question or two that some of you fellow hunters may be able to help me with. I am resident of southwest VA and this is my first season of hunting in TN. I have been out the past two weekends chasing turkeys on public lands in Sullivan and Johnson counties in East TN. Opening weekend we managed to hear some gobbling however I was amazed at how much hunting was going on in the Cherokee National Forest. This past weekend I went out both Saturday and Sunday. It was very windy Saturday morning and we didn't hear a bird nor did we on Sunday. I got up very high on Holston mountain Sunday morning so I could hear well as it was not very windy but I still didn't hear a bird. Can anyone tell me if they had any experience in these counties lately. I know no one wants to give away there spots and I understand that I am just curious if the hunting pressure has given them lockjaw, if I was just not in the right places, or if the birds were just shut down due to hens? I apologize for the lengthy post and as I mentioned earlier I enjoy the readings on this site.