Newborn Fawn


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2002
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
I just saw a spotted fawn behind the house. It was obviously very young because it was still a little wobbly and had a tough time following mom. I'm guessing it's just one or two days old.

I was surprised because this is the earliest I've ever seen a fawn here (in North Hamilton County). Usually I don't start seeing fawns until July.

Based on my calculations (and some online gestation calculators), it means this fawn was conceived around Nov. 10, 2021, give or take a day or two. That's right in the midst of muzzleloader season, which makes sense based on my observations. The only rutting activity I observed last Fall was in muzzleloader season. In fact, the only opportunity I had on a good buck last season was exactly on Nov. 10. A nice buck stepped out just a few minutes after I'd already center-punched a doe. I let him walk and never had a shot at a decent buck the rest of the season.🤦‍♂️

Just kind of thought the coincidental line up of rutting buck/fawn sighting dates was interesting.
I've got two different does who dropped single fawns this week. If it's like last year, I'll I have fawns born from now through late august.
Saw a fawn Wednesday night while baling hay. Mom had it bedded down in some weeds and it jumped up as I went through the gap into the field. I thought the same thing as you, couldn't be more than a few days old. I'm gonna put out a few cameras and see what I can find on them. Hopefully we have a good fawning this year!

I've been trying to find a study or any research on buzzard predation of whitetail fawns. Around my area we have black buzzards and many people lose a few calfs each year due to them. They're the most savage od any buzzards I've seen. Will kill a calf while mom is having it, and sometimes it gets mom too!
I walked upon this little one 2 weeks while checking on the fence rows and I also saw another one while cutting hay this week.

I just saw a spotted fawn behind the house. It was obviously very young because it was still a little wobbly and had a tough time following mom. I'm guessing it's just one or two days old.

I was surprised because this is the earliest I've ever seen a fawn here (in North Hamilton County). Usually I don't start seeing fawns until July.

Based on my calculations (and some online gestation calculators), it means this fawn was conceived around Nov. 10, 2021, give or take a day or two. That's right in the midst of muzzleloader season, which makes sense based on my observations. The only rutting activity I observed last Fall was in muzzleloader season. In fact, the only opportunity I had on a good buck last season was exactly on Nov. 10. A nice buck stepped out just a few minutes after I'd already center-punched a doe. I let him walk and never had a shot at a decent buck the rest of the season.🤦‍♂️

Just kind of thought the coincidental line up of rutting buck/fawn sighting dates was interesting.
Just saw a fawn on a camera in Rhea County June 1st.