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No Juvy kills???

I was close.

I had a bird hang up at a small creek today at 60 yards. He came from behind me, where he wasnt supposed to be. I was worried it would happen and if I should go ahead and move closer to the creek in case one came off of the other side. Should have, I would ahve killed him. Got on another one leaving the woods but I had to be in murfreesboro to look at a truck so I ran out of time on him. I kill one of them this saturday.
Im a deer hunter but i hear alot of people talking about how fun turkey hunting is and 3 my friends turkey hunt so Im kinda gettin into it. Been kinda busy this weekend so ill scout around and get after 'em next weekend.

My boy gotta shot first thing Saturday morning 10 minutes into the hunt,,,we had about a dozen jakes and 2yr old birds come in like they were on a string right off the roost,,,they got to close I think was his problem and nerves :) ,,,10yds when he shot,,,we chased a couple of other birds later in the day but had some hounds runnin a rabbit bust up that party,,,we went back this morning but had boat troubles,,,it'll shift into reverse and neutral but not foward,,,that kinda ended our day early.
my son killed 1 jake out of 5 that came in.

Had one gobble good yesterday on the roost. Gobbled 1 time on the ground and that was it.

Went to another place and spooked 5....never could get a shot.
Yesterday morning we had a gobbler that was henned up and just wouldnt work. This A.M. we went back and got on another that worked good. I got him in to 30 yards but my boy was shaking so bad he missed. :(This is his first year to go with me to the turkey woods. Im going to another farm this afternoon to try to close the deal for him.....maybe now hes got all the skakes out of his system! LOL :grin: We've still enjoyed the weekend though! :grin: Aint nothing like spending time with your kids in the woods.

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