Non TSS and rem 870 20 gauge chokes??

Ladys man

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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So I'm still very new to Turkey hunting and not wanting to spend the money on TSS yet, so I bought a 870 youth that I'm fixing up for turkey. Probably gana try something like 3rd degree or longboard xr. I still want a decent shot just dnt want to break the bank (just yet). What chokes are you guys using?? Plan on a bass pro outing this weekend to look.
You'll be hard pressed to find a 20 gauge load that's not heavier than lead that will be adequate at 40. Don't cheap out on shells- they are probably the cheapest piece of equipment you'll tote, but the only piece you use to reach out to touch the turkey with. It's a fine line sometimes between a crippled loss and a turkey in the bag.

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A shell that me and a buddy have killed several gobblers with is what Federal now calls the grandslam. The shell is copper plated lead and has the new flitecontrol flex wad. I used the #6 shot and he used #5. As a matter of fact he still shoots it to this day. It used to have the old flitecontrol wad. Good shell! As far as choke I have three 20 gauge guns none of which are the Remington however all of mine shoot a Carlson's 575 non ported turkey great. I bet the Remington would also! I have seen some awesome patterns with the 870! Good luck with the set up!
Sumtoy 562-5, Carlson's 575, Tru Glo strut stopper Xtreme, Indian Creek 555, those are some of the most popular. Try to find someone selling the original heavyweight 7s if you aren't going to shoot TSS.
Longbeard XR #6 - payload 277 pellets ~ $2 per shell
Federal TSS #9 - payload 543 pellets ~ $6 per shell

If you shoot a couple times at paper to pattern and kill a limit of turkeys in TN, you'll spend about $24 more for TSS and have a MUCH better shell, better range, and less chance of wound loss. Any shell will kill turkeys in the right situation, but especially starting out, why not give yourself the greatest advantage you can when the added cost is nominal in the grand scheme of things?
Save money with the choke and get just the Remington brand or any other turkey choke and get better shells

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You can get the Carlsons 575 choke tube usually for 25 to 30 dollars. It is by far the best choke for the money I have found. You ask for non TSS shells so that is what I recommended ,those are the shells i used before HVW #7
and TSS .I will echo what the others have said. Nothing compares to the TSS! When I pattern I use low brass shells until I get my gun shooting where I want. Then I shoot the more expensive shell to make sure I am on. In other words you do not have to use many to pattern and once your on, you want need over 4 per season!
As others have said, it is hard to beat the Carlson's 575. I have no experience with lead in a 20 gauge but would encourage you to use TSS #9 if you can find some. They are expensive per se, but as others have said, they aren't that much in the grand scheme of things and shouldn't take many shells to pattern. You also shouldn't be shooting very many times during the season.

I am shooting a Carlson's 575 in my gun, and my son's liked a Primos tightwad better. Mine is a compact and his a youth 870 with both having 21" barrels. Both are good chokes with TSS #9. I think that I shot 4 TSS shells through each gun last year trialing different chokes. I used regular lead shells to set the red dots on each, and then only shot the TSS to check the pattern. My plan this year is to check zero with a lead shell and not put a TSS through it until hunting as they both have the same point of impact.