I used it one year and was amazed by what I saw. I would spray it on my boots before walking to my stand and then spray at base of the tree. Once i got up in the tree and set up, I would spray it on the tree above my head. Multiple times I had deer follow my trail and even come up to the tree i was in and lick on it. But the biggest buck i saw that year was slipping through a thicket and we he got to the edge he came across my trail. He stopped, not moving and nose up for about 5 minutes. then cautiously back peddled and got out of there. Since then, i have been reluctant to use it. He could have smelled anything. It may not have been the nose jammer at all. But all the others that it didn't bother were small or what i felt were young deer. Not saying it does or doesn't work, just sharing my experience with it.