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Nose jammer?

Savage Knight

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
Cleveland, Tn
What's y'all's thoughts on this stuff? I know 90% of everything is gimmick. I bought a new tote today for my gear, I usually put a few packs of earth wafers in them but they were out so I ended up buying a can of this. IMO the ish smells like cookies 😁
You cannot cover your scent from a deer. You can reduce your scent with proper precautions, but you cannot produce a smell that hides the human smell. A deer's nose is too sensitive to be fooled like that. They can smell the cover and they can smell the human underneath.
I used it once 3-4 years ago bow hunting. I was just after does, but a nice 7 point came right down the pipe at me…until he smelled the nose jammer. He froze for over a minute then turned tail and ran. Never used it again.
I am guessing no one will use it now, but I think it is one of the best cover scents or best at "jamming" deer's nose.

A rep from Realtree told me that he knew of 3 scents that were great cover scents. He told me the inventor of nosejammer paid a group of scientist a lot of money and asked them to figure out to fool a deer's nose. They came back and said it can't be done. They did figure out to jam a deer's nose and add some attractant to help out to. He was a believer and said most all the TV hunt shows he personally knew of used nosejammer whether they advertised it or not. One close friend kills as many mature deer as anyone I know and he swears by it.

The rep from Realtree also told me of 2 other ways to cover your scent. One is to smoke everything by burning green oak leaves and deer will never know you are there. The guy he knew that did that is a traditional bow hunter and has killed bunch or large bucks.

The other way is a hunter that came up with a cover scent that works and works well. He said it smelled like turpentine and he tried it and it worked great but the smell was to strong. I ordered a bottle of Scent Thief and guess what, it smells like turpentine. I haven't tried it.

I use Nosejammer and if a deer has spooked I have not seen it even though I am sure some have spooked but I haven't seen it. I quit spraying on the tree I have my stand in, because to many deer were walking up to my tree and hanging out under me.
Nose jammer. Airtight shoothouse. No scent gets out as long as windows are kept closed. Wond direction doesn't matter.

But when you hunt in the open, you can't beat the wind or a deers nose


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I use it and fell like it works to an extent, but like others said, you cannot beat a deers nose. I think if you are in the open just watch the wind and it won't matter.

It smells like vanilla, though so it does smell good 😂
Nose jammer. Airtight shoothouse. No scent gets out as long as windows are kept closed. Wond direction doesn't matter.

But when you hunt in the open, you can't beat the wind or a deers nose
I agree, but nosejammer seems to work as it says it does. I cannot the number of deer that have been directly downwind of me when using nosejammer and they literally pay no attention. Crazy thing is I have seen deer following the way I walked in and for sure trailing me, and even sneezing on occasion and still following all the way to the tree I am in. I do know of several who swear it spooks deer and I know of many who swear all you have to do is spray down with nosejammer and the deer never know you are there. Some of the ones who swear by it for sure kill deer and some nice ones the one guy I mentioned kills giants.

I know we had a ladder stand on one farm that no one would hunt because the deer would wind you and raise heck. No matter the wind or the direction, they would come out in the field and either blow or just get the heck out of dodge. I decided to try hunting it and spraying nosejammer. I took pictures and videos of deer not only feeding all around me but within feet of the ladder stand. Not one deer spooked, well one doe did. Across the field, about 200 yards away, is uphill and a deer is eye level with the stand. I didn't have my face covered. There were several deer within 50 yards of me, none the wiser. Several deer came out at 200 yards and when I looked up, one of the does looked at me and started blowing, all of those deer took off and stood in the woods and blew for a few minutes. The deer in the field took off for a just a short time and basically all came back out and started feeding again. The guys I hunted with could not believe it, they have all been using nosejammer ever since and they swear by it to. I spray nosejammer on most everything I use hunting and all around where I am hunting.
I used it one year and was amazed by what I saw. I would spray it on my boots before walking to my stand and then spray at base of the tree. Once i got up in the tree and set up, I would spray it on the tree above my head. Multiple times I had deer follow my trail and even come up to the tree i was in and lick on it. But the biggest buck i saw that year was slipping through a thicket and we he got to the edge he came across my trail. He stopped, not moving and nose up for about 5 minutes. then cautiously back peddled and got out of there. Since then, i have been reluctant to use it. He could have smelled anything. It may not have been the nose jammer at all. But all the others that it didn't bother were small or what i felt were young deer. Not saying it does or doesn't work, just sharing my experience with it.
I used it one year and was amazed by what I saw. I would spray it on my boots before walking to my stand and then spray at base of the tree. Once i got up in the tree and set up, I would spray it on the tree above my head. Multiple times I had deer follow my trail and even come up to the tree i was in and lick on it. But the biggest buck i saw that year was slipping through a thicket and we he got to the edge he came across my trail. He stopped, not moving and nose up for about 5 minutes. then cautiously back peddled and got out of there. Since then, i have been reluctant to use it. He could have smelled anything. It may not have been the nose jammer at all. But all the others that it didn't bother were small or what i felt were young deer. Not saying it does or doesn't work, just sharing my experience with it.
I vape. In fact, I vape a lot, to the point I make my own e-liquid (buy the ingredients by the gallon and mix my own). The two flavors I mix for my e-liquid are pure hazelnut extract and pure vanilla extract. Both are notorious for being attractive to deer. When I vape from my stand, it's a fairly regular occurrence to have younger deer come right up my downwind scent trail, licking their lips with nose in the air, trying to figure out where that enticing smell is coming from. However, do mature deer do this? Heck no! They have too many years of experience with humans to do something that dumb.
I used it one year and was amazed by what I saw. I would spray it on my boots before walking to my stand and then spray at base of the tree. Once i got up in the tree and set up, I would spray it on the tree above my head. Multiple times I had deer follow my trail and even come up to the tree i was in and lick on it. But the biggest buck i saw that year was slipping through a thicket and we he got to the edge he came across my trail. He stopped, not moving and nose up for about 5 minutes. then cautiously back peddled and got out of there. Since then, i have been reluctant to use it. He could have smelled anything. It may not have been the nose jammer at all. But all the others that it didn't bother were small or what i felt were young deer. Not saying it does or doesn't work, just sharing my experience with it.
To me, that sounds like a classic example of the difference between younger deer and older deer. Younger deer are very curious and don't quite know the dangers in life like mature deer do. With mature deer, their "danger limit" is about 1/4 the level (tolerance) of all immature deer. It's a total different ballgame when pursuing mature deer.

Growing up, I too used to use all sorts of scents and saw the craziest things deer would do. It was very cool stuff - I understand all the rave about it with the majority of hunters.
You cannot cover your scent from a deer. You can reduce your scent with proper precautions, but you cannot produce a smell that hides the human smell. A deer's nose is too sensitive to be fooled like that. They can smell the cover and they can smell the human underneath.

I heard it described this way about 30 years ago: When you smell stew cooking, you smell stew. When a deer smells stew, they smell carrots, potatoes, onion, celery, meat, etc.
You cannot cover your scent from a deer. You can reduce your scent with proper precautions, but you cannot produce a smell that hides the human smell. A deer's nose is too sensitive to be fooled like that. They can smell the cover and they can smell the human underneath.
When we discuss deer behaviors, it's easy to confuse what a deer can do with what a deer will do.

If I said to you, I have a problem with deer getting into my garden. I was going to put up a 10 foot fence around it, but I know that won't work because a 2 year old buck can clear a 10 foot fence, what would you tell me?

In the case of cover scents, the important thing to know is not whether deer can tell that what they are smelling is a mixture of human scent and cover scent, but rather how do they behave when they encounter such a scent mixture.

I can tell you two things that I know about it. I have personally been blessed to have access to places with huge numbers of deer. And I have spent many many hours photographing and studying deer behaviors . I have personally seen the difference a cover scent can make, and there is an advantage to using one.

Also I can tell you that Dr. Leonard Lee Rue has probably spent more time photographing, studying , and hunting deer than anyone else alive today and he'll be the first to tell you that a hunter that doesn't use cover scent is not taking advantage of a very effective tool.
I use it. It was recommended to me by a couple of close friends of mine. Now I will say, hunting the wind and the futility of trying to beat a deer's nose are givens. However, deer don't always read the script and walk in upwind. Saying that the friends who recommended it to me are accomplished deer hunters is an understatement. They have consistently killed more older age class bucks than anyone I know. It's not a slam dunk silver bullet to kill deer, but since I started using it, I have witnessed deer react to it when downwind and not spook. I feel it just stacks the odds in your favor a little more.
Smells like vanilla to me. Not my thing but go for it. I've had deer come down wind a lot and not blow. What would probably blow everyone's mind is how many deer smell you and you have zero idea. I bet it's a big number.

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