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Not a trail cam, but check this out.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017

I do not think this coyote is gonna be messing with my ole cat anymore. I cannot stop watching it. Slowing it down to .25 speed, the initial left paw has the dog rethinking his decision. The rest were just for fun. The force behind those shots is unreal lol. For the record by my observation, he landed every paw he threw.
I was surprised to not find much blood. Just a couple drops in the road. Figured that first shot to the face might have opened him up a little.
If a predator can sneak up on a cat, they will get them. But if a cat knows it's being hunted, I give the edge to the cat (at least an outdoor cat that has some survival skills - I've got some indoor cats that are dumb as bricks!).
He's a sly ole boy too. He's figured out how to get under the cover of my SXS and get into the floor board when stuff gets weird. Always hair evidence under the pedals.