JDBinTN said:
Yes Radar I would have thought for sure you worked with slick trick on some level at some time.
It just seemed that alot of the negative post about the Rage head mentioned another brand thats all. And yes I felt as though some of the alligence to these other companies was because of relationships with these same companies. Which I am guility of myself you can see that by my HCA post today and in the past I've done a little test work for them as well since leaving the company.So I always lean toward them as a favorite bow. The reason I said that is I remember cuople yrs. ago when Slick Trick was having problems supplying blades those who where giving explanation called guys at that company by name and defended them accordingly If my memory is correct. If I was out of line again I'm sorry.Basically I figured you guys where in same boat as me on that one and looks that that was wrong.
I wish I had stated different, but all of us, MYSELF included need to learn a simple rule and that is if it is a well known product it is ,and has been working well for alot of people.
BTW so as not to mislead anybody I haven't ever used Rage for deer only fixed blade and of the bows I own they are made by 3 different manufacters only 2 of them are HCA. One(the oldest one) I keep just cause I was in R&D there when we devolped it. Again didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings Just trying to convey how things sounded to me as I read them. That is all I can say and will not say anymore
I never worked for Slick Trick . I did PM the owner a few times on Archery talk , so I do know him by name . I received one free sample broadhead at the ATA show in 2006 that he was giving out to everyone who stopped by the booth .
I tried out the broadhead and liked the arrow flight and results I got on game . He had some issues keeping up with demand and some QC issues with the ferrules and blades , but got that under control .
I still think they are a good head , but I have found that G5 Strikers to be sharper , stronger and fly just as good as the ST's.
Not a fanboy or on the staff , just a satisfied customer .
What I do have a problem with are the guys on this forum that promote Rage heads as if they are a miracle broadhead that will turn a poor shot into a good hit.
I was very disturbed to read a post that a member used these heads on 3 deer and shot into a tree without sharpening the blades ! I find it irresponsible and unethical and was surprised that no one else had the balls to reply besides myself. (read the quote below)
I think we owe it to the animal to keep our broadheads sharp to insure a quick , clean kill and I will defend ethical bowhunting , even if I have to be brash or tough on those who are irresponsible with their equipment and shot selection.
IceMann said:
Me 2,I have killed 3 does,all with the same broahead, never changed the blades had to dig the broadhead out of a pine tree, still using the same one..Looks like an axe went thru each one,