Nothing more aggravating then...


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
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Knoxville, TN
Idiots on ATV's riding endlessly a calling
Idiots blowing owl calls
Idiots blowing crow calls
Idiots attempting to mimic a dying cat with a turkey call

Being a public land hunter I fully understand the challenges other hunters pose, but once or twice a season I leave the woods shaking my head in disbelief that these people can even turn a door knob.
IDK, how about having a bird in your sites, and the chair leg breaking just as you start putting pressure on the trigger. I wound up popping a round into the air and had turkeys running away...It was frustrating to say the least.
Delt with that a lot in the past. I am lucky enough to have 350 acres of ruff terrain private land. Just have to deal with the good ole boys who was raised there and always hunted there and think they still should because they used to.
Setterman said:
Idiots on ATV's riding endlessly a calling
Idiots blowing owl calls
Idiots blowing crow calls
Idiots attempting to mimic a dying cat with a turkey call

Being a public land hunter I fully understand the challenges other hunters pose, but once or twice a season I leave the woods shaking my head in disbelief that these people can even turn a door knob.

Reminds me of a lease I was on years ago. The guy had a peacock call that hung around his neck and I mean he blew it constantly. You could track him. You wonder if some people really are that dense??????
I can relate as we hunt Public land quite a lot as well! It takes all kinds!!
Setterman said:
Idiots on ATV's riding endlessly a calling
I've concluded quite a few people are actually more interested in playing on their ATV's than in serious turkey hunting. I was listening to a fellow the other morning. He would ride his ATV about a 1/2 mile between his turkey calling. Never mind that his ATV was louder than his calling. The only shot I heard all morning was mine, and I truly enjoyed the long peaceful walk back to the truck, carrying the 7th bird I'd seen go down in as many days.

Just my opinion, but while hunting, the sound of an ATV is the scourge of the earth.

But I guess, to each their own. Some people are more interested in how many different calls they can carry; some are more interested in the weapon being carried; some their decoys; some are more interested in just the hunt, or the quality of the hunt.
Wes Parrish said:
Setterman said:
Idiots on ATV's riding endlessly a calling
I've concluded quite a few people are actually more interested in playing on their ATV's than in serious turkey hunting. I was listening to a fellow the other morning. He would ride his ATV about a 1/2 mile between his turkey calling. Never mind that his ATV was louder than his calling. The only shot I heard all morning was mine, and I truly enjoyed the long peaceful walk back to the truck, carrying the 7th bird I'd seen go down in as many days.

Just my opinion, but while hunting, the sound of an ATV is the scourge of the earth.

But I guess, to each their own. Some people are more interested in how many different calls they can carry; some are more interested in the weapon being carried; some their decoys; some are more interested in just the hunt, or the quality of the hunt.

Couldn't agree more and they are the most selfish people in the world. They never even pause to consider that they aren't the only ones in the woods.

More than anything else that occurs on public ground, nothing makes my blood boil like an idiot on an ATV
TNGunsmoke said:
IDK, how about having a bird in your sites, and the chair leg breaking just as you start putting pressure on the trigger. I wound up popping a round into the air and had turkeys running away...It was frustrating to say the least.

What a mess...... I hope you find the humor in it now, I kinda giggled a little... Sorry :eek:
Setterman said:
More than anything else that occurs on public ground, nothing makes my blood boil like an idiot on an ATV
Doesn't matter to me whether it's public or private ground.
I hear just as many (if not more) on private hunting grounds.

Ironically, I can quietly walk about as far as these ATV dudes typically ride for their first set-up, by about the time they get their ATVs unloaded and ready to ride.
A few years ago while hunting on private land that we leased, I was hunting a field that went up to a gravel road. A turkey was across the field with his head poking out of the bushes and from the road comes 2 guys, 1 on a dirtbike and the other on an atv. I come running out into the field yelling with a shotgun in my hand and they took off pretty quick. I killed a bird in that same field about 1.5 hours later.
Cowman71 said:
The "Googans" are always good for a laugh. Luckily, the turkeys ain't gobbling that good up on the mountain, which has kept there presence to a minimum. Unlike them, I ain't got to hear one gobble to know he is there.

Sadly this makes it worse, they ride miles on top of miles searching for a bird. If the idiots only realized how many they drove by, they would be shocked.

I think the next owl hooter I hear I'm going to get it from the hunter and force feed it to them. I cannot for the life of me understand the obsession with locator calls. It's almost comical
Setterman said:
Cowman71 said:
The "Googans" are always good for a laugh. Luckily, the turkeys ain't gobbling that good up on the mountain, which has kept there presence to a minimum. Unlike them, I ain't got to hear one gobble to know he is there.

Sadly this makes it worse, they ride miles on top of miles searching for a bird. If the idiots only realized how many they drove by, they would be shocked.

I think the next owl hooter I hear I'm going to get it from the hunter and force feed it to them. I cannot for the life of me understand the obsession with locator calls. It's almost comical

I think a lot of times birds that get pressured a lot hear a hoot owl call and no what's up. However I use a crow call often. Mine is very shrill and loud. I am confident in saying I can get a response 75% of the time. It helps me find one to work a lot of the time when calling won't strike a gobble out of one.
TNGunsmoke said:
IDK, how about having a bird in your sites, and the chair leg breaking just as you start putting pressure on the trigger. I wound up popping a round into the air and had turkeys running away...It was frustrating to say the least.

lol I kind of got to laugh at this to. sorry man. one reason I don't hunt public land. I could not stand that one bit.
Cowman71 said:
In South Cherokee, the Googans must all have the same playbook. At daylight, pull over every 400 yards, get out and slam door. Blow owl call(three hideous hoots, no matter what time of day). Wait 20 seconds and then blow crow call(three short "squacks"). What 20 seconds and then crank out a five note, repetitious "shrill" yelp series from a Walmart bought box call. Get back in truck, slam door, drive 400 yards and repeat till 8:30 and go home disgusted because there are no turkeys on the mountain.

You must have been with me in Scott county this morning. Same set of events except sub ATV's for Vehicles.

My favorite was Sunday when some yahoo pulled in on the county road down the mountain did the above, birds gobbled everywhere, yet he left. I ran into the same idiot later, and asked him how his morning was and he said he never heard a bird, lol.

"Guess when you are winded from cranking on that owl hooter it makes it hard to hear" was my comment to him which left him dumbfounded and speechless.
Setterman said:
Idiots on ATV's riding endlessly a calling
Idiots blowing owl calls
Idiots blowing crow calls
Idiots attempting to mimic a dying cat with a turkey call

Being a public land hunter I fully understand the challenges other hunters pose, but once or twice a season I leave the woods shaking my head in disbelief that these people can even turn a door knob.
LOL I knew what this post was going to be before I even clicked it knew it was time for the yearly rant.
Ah, the joys of the over-callers and public land screechers....I know them all well.

My favorite was on AEDC years ago, I had roosted a bird the evening before, slipped in when they opened the gate and got settled in. The bird gobbled EARLY and shocked me honestly, I knew it was going to be a great day as he was tearing it down. A couple minutes later a truck rumbled up the road, door slam...GOBBLE....its still pitch dark mind you, out comes the crow call, over and over and over, in the pitch black. He does this until daylight, bird never answered and he eventually left. I called one time, gobble, gobble, gobble, as he left the area. :(
I was soo steamed... Such is life on public ground.