Nugent & Mathews, anyone really care ??


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
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Mt. Eagle
Read something a while ago about ol sweaty Teddy jump'n ship (again) to the mathews team, good for mathews, Ted or niether ?
Matthews seems to get the huge names to advertise their bows. great move for Matthews it doesn't matter for ted. he can get any bow company he wants Matthews probably paid him the most.
I cannot blame him for moving from Martin! At least that's what he was using way back when I had cable TV! HAHAHA
I saw that last night on the show. Probablly good for both of them. Ted is a great American but I really don't care what any of them shoot as long as they give me a good show. Hopefully Teds is better this year. I would say the reason he left Martin is they did not renew his contract since they are for sale and who knows how long it will take to get the company sold. The only guy I know with the money to buy it is TNDeerGuy but hes a little cheap.
I read some post about martins issues last night , I hate to hear theyre down on hard times, hope an American company buys them out, martin has been in the busnes for a long time & have made some good equipment over the years.

Ted mite not have had a choice in the matter but at times he seems to be anybodys dog that will hunt him, he has the oppertunity to do a lot for the sportsmen if he can control his mouth, I get & agree with some of the things he says but just not a big fan.
I like Ted, Mathews is alright too. If I was going to buy Mathews because one of there pros it would be Levi Morgan. However, I don't care who shoots what. Matter of fact I shoot a prime and I am not certain if anyone on tv shoots one.