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Number 3 In the Bag


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2010
Maury County, TN
Killed two nice longbeards opening weekend and havent had much luck since. Got up this morning and went to a spot where i knew birds like to roost. Usually they are roosted over this guys yard and they just fly down and gobble there all morning and I don't get a chance at them.
This morning had two birds mess up and roost on my property. I knew where I was going, I got set up between them and the guys yard they like to go to. They hammered on the roost and for the first time in several weeks kept gobbling once on the ground. They still headed away from me when they flew down, but I got up and moved towards them and did some whines on the ol woodhaven slate. They started hammering, turned around, and cut the distance in half, yet still were about 150 yds out.
I was in the woods about 15 yds over looking a field and I knew they couldn't see me so I headed through the woods towards the guys yard scratching the leaves and calling softly trying to sound like a lonesome hen headed that way. They started hammering and once I had gone about 50 yds I turned back around and went back to where I was and didn't make another call.
They gobbled their way right to me 40 yds away. I put the bead on the first birds head and pulled the trigger. Firing pin hit the shell, the shell didn't go off! The bird stuck his head up and looked my way but I was in some thick cover and in the shade. I slowly pumped the gun back and got another one chambered, click! It didn;t go off either! I had one more and I slowly and quietly chambered it, by this time I had to get on the second bird. I squeezed the trigger....BOOM! I was happy, but I was sweating bullets there for a minute! I've got to get my old Mossbergs firing pin worked on, The first two shells were barely even dented. One more bird to go, but with my first baby due any day now, don;t know how much more I'll get to go. Only pic I got is from my cell.

10.5 in beard
1 in spurs

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