ESPN--------Am I surprised? No. It's pretty much par for the course for you guys. Taking words and twisting them in a way that fits your narrative. Jameis Winston is trying to use what God has given him to have a positive effect on young kids. He spoke to a class of young boys and girls for motivational purposes, and as usual, you took what he said out of context and made him look like the bad guy. Yes, Jameis has made some mistakes in the past, particularly while at FSU (which is reported at the end of almost any story involving him), but since entering the NFL he has really matured and for the most part, has been out of the media. He tries to motivate a young group of boys to be strong and to be real men. Anyone normal person can see he asked the ladies to stay seated so he could speak directly to the boys. Generally, women are more quiet, polite, and gentle, I don't understand how anyone could get upset over that comment, but then again, it's like everyone has to walk on eggshells to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. It's like the media has turned into "gotcha" reporting trying to single out individuals for mistakes they have made instead of just reporting the news. You should be non-biased, but you aren't. You use your power to get your views and opinions out and oppose anyone who gets in the way. Criticizing a young man for trying to do the right thing; Again, I'm not surprised. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Treon Harris will get his chance to speak to children and try to mentor---oops, well maybe he won't. :tu: