Radar said:
The landowner cleared some trails and openings during late gun season in his select cutover with a frontend loader a couple of years ago .
I thought it was going to screw up my hunting , but I couldn't believe the deer sign in the clearings only a couple of days after he got done .
I thought I would take a stand in one of the areas , and saw 16 deer that morning in an area with visabilty of only 100 yards . The deer now use these paths to travel through the thickest parts of the cutover . They now are full of greenbriar and Honeysuckle .
Radar, when I mentioned 'strategic bush hogging' in my post on this thread, that's exactly what I'm referring to. I'll channel or funnel deer to the specific places 'I want them to be' with this technique. I've made meandering one pass cuts with a 5ft deck next to opportune shooting lanes and or ambush zones. I've even brought several trails to one intersection next to the biggest brush sapling in the mix and placed a stand there. This may sound ridiculous or even far fetched for some of the professional biologists on here but it works at my place and I've been doing this for more than 10 years. It helps too if you have a topo overlay onto an orthophoto of your property to facilitate your network of trails.