Ol Long Rope....

TN Whitetail Freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
Has been roosted!.....I also believe I will be able to set up between the flock of hens and him and his buddy hopefully leading him towards me on flydown. These birds turned tail at the decoy last week and turned tail at soft calling today so I'm basically going on anticipating his travel route and hope to get lucky
Got back on them this morning. Filmed them on the roost then fly down toward me then bam the guy that pulled in behind me emerges from the tree line and ol long rope Flys away but his dominant buddy just scurried up the levee and instead of running off just beds down....I chat with the guy introduced myself and he apologizes 4-5 times and he left....I on the other hand am a mile and a quarter from the truck and an hour from home...I'm not leaving. I sat back down hoping the third Tom gobbling in the distance would make his way over. I almost killed him yesterday called him across the field so I'm hoping to do it again....so I yelped and when I did the dominant bird stands back up out of the tall grass and has not taken a step since 6:50 and it's 7:46 and he's still in the same spot just looking

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