Ol Tom Technical Pants


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
savannah, tn., usa
I bought a pair at the NWTF show and i cant decide to keep them yet. They seem noisy and static electricitied if thats a word. Washing would probably help that but i hate to wash them if i dont want to keep them. Anybody have them and if so how do they work for you?
well tehre are 2 versions...the old version had a different material and it was HOT to wear if you were moving a bunch.

i have the newer version and i really like them, the knee pads are sweet. They are still somewhat hot but not bad.

overall I like them for the days i may or may not need to crawl into position.
I bought a pair a few years ago and they were the hottest pants I have ever worn, period. Literally I felt like I might die when I wore them. I threw mine away.
I bought a pair last year and really like them. They are "siff" at first for lack of a better word, but they break in. They will dry off almost immediately when wet, which is nice when you walk through dew covered fields in the morning and don't want to be wet until lunch. Overall I think they are great, although I took out the knee pads. They would be nice if you were going to crawl up on one, but other than they they are in the way. At times I will keep them in my vest and deploy if needed. I have a shirt that is made from the older material, and it's great for early season mornings because it's like wearing a light jacket. Would be terrible for warm weather.