Old timers club ?


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
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I know that developments in technology are a good thing and everyone can benefit from it.

For a couple reasons I don't upgrade my bow every year or so to keep up and have the best and fastest.

I got out of bowhunting at one point and then after a few years I got the itch again.
I bought a Mathews Featherlight bow.
It was like the second to the cheapest bow they offered at the time.
It has been probably 12 years ago I guess.

I still have that same bow and it still works pretty darn well if I do say so myself.

Anyone else out there that just keeps pluggin away with old faithful?
I have a Hoyt...I think it's called a "Defiant", and says fastflite on one limb. It was old when I got it 5 years ago. It is heavy, loud, and doesn't have much let off. It's like an ugly old dog that doesn't know any tricks, but still guards the house with a strong bark and sharp teeth. In other words, it's not pretty or desirable, but still plenty capable.
I had a PSE mach flite 4 bought it new in the early 80's.I hunted with it for almost 20 years.Then went with Parker bows a couple years ago.
Still hunting with my 2002 Mathews Q2. It can still out shoot me. Keep telling myself I am going to upgrade but its hard to spend the money they are asking nowdays for a new one. I thought I was not going to have an option during the summer as I got a crack in my limb but Mathews replaced both limbs for only the cost of the dealers time. Mabye it will last another 8 years.
RUGER said:
I know that developments in technology are a good thing and everyone can benefit from it.

For a couple reasons I don't upgrade my bow every year or so to keep up and have the best and fastest.

I got out of bowhunting at one point and then after a few years I got the itch again.
I bought a Mathews Featherlight bow.
It was like the second to the cheapest bow they offered at the time.
It has been probably 12 years ago I guess.

I still have that same bow and it still works pretty darn well if I do say so myself.

Anyone else out there that just keeps pluggin away with old faithful?
It's obvious your easier on a bow than you are on golf clubs :D :D
Yeah I shot a Hoyt bow I got back in 1990 until this year and upgraded to a 2004 model Hoyt. I want a new one but it makes me wanna puke thinking bout spending all that $$$.
I have a buddy that still shoots her Featherlight. She loves it and sees no reason to change. I mainly bought my Prestige so I could bowhunt. My blue bow wasn't the best color for the deer woods. :)
I still use the PSE Pulsar that I bought 25 years ago !
My dad until 2 years ago hunted with xx75 super slams, thunderhead BHs and a darton lightning he bought in 1991. He could shoot the living crap out of it and killed a boat load of deer with it.

Has a diamond marquis now and still cant shoot it as good as his 45" darton. :D
I hunted with my Bear Precision Hunter for....for, well? 1982 or so until 2000 when I got my Jennings Buckmaster, so thats 17 or 18 years!! Holy Moly! I gave that bow to a TnDeer member when his was stolen (lefties gotta stick together) out of his truck in 2000 as well and it still killed deer! I then kept the Jennings Buckmaster 2000 until 2008 when I got my last upgrade in a Mathers Drenalin.
I'm hunting with a very old pse silverhawk. It was given to me and I don't really know how old it is. I use one pin tru glo sight. I'm thinking about getting more pins because it's kind of hard to guess the drop when your shooting a 700gr arrow with 55lbs.
Rowdy said:
RUGER said:
I know that developments in technology are a good thing and everyone can benefit from it.

For a couple reasons I don't upgrade my bow every year or so to keep up and have the best and fastest.

I got out of bowhunting at one point and then after a few years I got the itch again.
I bought a Mathews Featherlight bow.
It was like the second to the cheapest bow they offered at the time.
It has been probably 12 years ago I guess.

I still have that same bow and it still works pretty darn well if I do say so myself.

Anyone else out there that just keeps pluggin away with old faithful?
It's obvious your easier on a bow than you are on golf clubs :D :D

OUCH....that's gonna leave a mark!!! LOL :D
I am still shooting my Mathews LX. Not as old as some others mentioned, but in todays world of bowhunting it is an ancestor :D .

I would love to have a new one every year. Still look at all the new ones when they come out, but mine still gets the job done and I can't spend the kind of money they want on a new one.

Guess I'll keep plugging along!
I have owned a few compound bows over the years that fit like a glove and I killed allot of game with that I wish I would have kept . I still own and cherish the longbow that sticker gave me a few years ago , although I haven't killed anything with the bow , I still enjoy shooting the bow .
There are just some bows that deserve a special place on the bow rack , that I will never part with .