One year later.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2009
Reaction score
Hendersonville Tn.
About a year ago i purchased an Elite Pulse. I said then i would keep it a year before deciding if i really love it or not.Final answer??? Its not the bow for me.

I think its the 6in brace.I'm just not steady enough for it.My form is not that good at 61 years old. All the guys says its an easy bow to shoot and any body can shoot well with it.Not me! I had plenty of friends that could shoot it and shoot it well.Just not me.Never got confident with it.

Same with the HAA 5519 single pin sight.I guess im just old school and p[refer the 5 pin set up.

My archery dealer knew i wasnt happy and offered me an Elite 35 saturday while i was on a weekend visit.I good deal.So now i have a new bow to work on.Only time will tell but after a couple hours with it saturday afternoon i think it will be a better choice for me.
If any one is interested in a 2012 60lb Elite Pulse,Max 4,HAA5519,Whisker biscuit,and cheap o stabllizor with new strings and cables. $600.PM me and i will tell you where it is.
Your problem may be more of the Elite grip than anything else. It takes a lot of shooting on one to find the sweet spot of the grip. Otherwise you will be chasing your tail with groups that just won't stay consistent. Those bows are everything we've been taught to look for in a bow as far as how they feel, etc. They draw good, they are quiet, rock solid back wall and some guys really love the excessive let off. But they aren't a bow that just anybody can pick up and go stack arrows with. I ain't the best archer but I can hold my own in tournaments...and I'm one of them that couldn't be consistent enough with the Elites. One day I could be busting nocks and then the next, it was like I had never shot a bow in my life. All it takes is just to be off just a little on grip position and pressure, and those bows will tell on you down range. If you visit a lot of the bow forums you will see a lot of guys falling into this loop. They will love the bows at first but after the honeymoon phase is over, they are selling them off when they find out that they just can't shoot well with them. Even the top pros in 3D Archery are struggling with the woes right now. Watch Levi Morgan in some of the shoot downs and note the pattern of his misses...Usually it is to the left. That is a common characteristic of the Elite grip. With him, it's not by much but just enough that he's out of the 12 or 14 ring when he shoots for them. Some guys have had success going to the Torqueless grips and claim it makes a big difference. That might be something for you to check into if you run into accuracy problems out of your Energy. The bows themselves are good bows...they tune and shoot good IF you can conquer the grip torque/pressure.

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